
Zakaat on an empty land

Q: We are three brothers living in one house but due to some clashes a few years back, two of us decided to move out of that house. We bought some land quickly with the intention of building a house on it. But then things settled down with our third brother and now all three of us are living in the same old house.

For the land that we two brothers bought, we have no immediate plan to build a house and it is there just in case one of us loses his job so he may start a business after selling that land.

Do I have to pay to zakaat on that land as I bought it with the intention of building a house but right now we might sell it in the future if anyone’s financial situation becomes tight?

Paying zakaat on behalf of one's wife

Q: I gave around 120 grams of gold when I got married to my wife as mahr 5 years back. She wears it 4-5 times a year at weddings. She is a house wife with no income to pay zakaat so I am paying zakaat on her behalf. My questions are:

1. If gold is given as mahr, do we have to pay zakaat over it?

2. As I pay zakaat on her assets due to her having no income, if my wife decides to sell her jewellery, can I ask her to return the amount I paid as her zakaat over the years? 

Being eligible for zakaat

Q: I am zakaat liable and collect zakaat from time to time from people, however this month I collected a large sum. Can I take out money for my kids Madrasah fees, transport fees and whatever I wish to pay for in the future and keep it aside so on a monthly basis I will have enough to pay for my expenses?

Example, I take out R1200 and keep it aside for fees from April till July so when I get my salary I can use that for other things I require.

Will I still be able to collect zakaat after this?

Calculating zakaat at the end of one's zakaat year

Q: If a person works for some years and every year, he has to discharge zakaat for example in Dhul-Hijjah. (basically his zakaat year ends in that month and discharges zakaat then). After some years, he opens up his own business from the savings he has accumulated. Thereafter, when should he now pay out any zakaat due on him? Should such a person continue discharging zakaat in Dhul-Hijjah, or he has to take a new date because of the business? 

Child giving gifts and sadaqah

Q: My question is regarding children giving charity. From what I know, it is not permissible for them to give Sadaqah etc. from their own wealth. What about giving gifts from their own wealth? Also, what if they buy sweets with their own money, and then decide to to share them? How does it work?

I’m teaching, and the above topic came up. They were quite disappointed that they cannot give until they are baaligh, and it sounded like a lot of them had given before. They were asking if they got any reward for what they gave, or does it not count? Is it a sin? What must I tell them?