Masaail relating to intimacy

Husband masturbating the wife


  1. If the wife is not fully satisfied after sexual intercourse, will it be permissible for the husband to use his hand and masturbate the wife so that she may be satisfied?
  2. Is it permissible for the husband to masturbate the wife whilst she is in her menses? Can he touch the private parts with his hands without a covering on her private parts?
  3. Will ghusl be fardh on the wife after masturbation?

Wife masturbating the husband

Q: I have two questions. A man like prostate stimulation. He does not want to get involved in the sin like make sexual relationship with any another male. Therefore can his wife give her strokes by prostate massage. Another question is that what about the ruling on licking sexual organs of each partner?

Understanding the needs of the wife


  1. Is it permissible for a women to masturbate if she doesn't get full satisfaction after intercourse with her husband? If not she has to wait a minimum of three days. How does she control herself?
  2. If the wife needs to have intercourse maybe every third night and the husband says that's too frequent, also at rare times the wife needs the husband sooner. How should she fulfil her need? Because this leads to masturbation.
  3. If a women has a dream where she is sexually aroused and satisfied. Upon awakening there is no wetness. Is ghusl fardh?