

Q: If a person doesn't carry out any rule of Shar'iah e.g. if a person commits hurmat-e-musaharaah and doesn't confess, according to fatawa mahmoodiyah he will be sinful but if he makes sincere taubah and doesn't do it again, in the court of Allah Ta'ala will he be taken to task i.e: Will he be given punishment or will he be forgiven?


Q: If a female looks at a male's private part with lust but she did not see his private part directly because the man was wearing a cloth, his body and his private part was covered with a cloth. Is hurmat-e-musaaharah established? Please answer the question. What is the private part and awra for a man?


Q: I am a 19 year old male and currently studying Aalim course. A few years ago I had touched my mother with lust and I have finished reading the conditions through which hurmate-e-musaaharah will take place (i.e. if she had a cloth on which was thick and the heat of the body could be felt, etc). However I'm not so sure if the conditions took place or not because of it being a while ago however I have Ghaalib-e-Gumaan that the conditions took place. Is there any way out for me? Do I have to confess? Will Allah Ta'ala forgive me for this despicable sin even if I don't confess?

Kissing one's daughter

Q: One day I was caressing my daughter (about 4 years old). Suddenly I felt little lust. Quickly I stopped caressing her and took her off. After this incident I repented and made tawbah to Allah Ta'ala. Does this incident affect my marriage?

Illicit behaviour

Q: If a man keeps bad faith for his sister in law although, he did not practically commit anything, but shows his interest in her verbally while communicating with her. Does this effect his nikaah in anyway?

Touching one's mother in-law with lust

Q: An accident occurred in bus journey some years ago, that is: my mother in law's seat was beside my seat. She was feeling ill because of some illness but I was feeling lust/desire but not highly exited. Then I probably touch her (not her private part). But I was mentally addicted by shaitan’s waswasa. She didn't know this was my situation. I had no idea before about marriage, mahrams and hurmat-e-mushara. After I came to know about hurtmat-e-musaahara, I repented and made Towba to Allah Ta'ala. Now I am very alert about shaitan’s waswasa. But mentally I am worried about that accident. Now my wife would be lawful? I have one daughter. Please clearly advise me.