
Zina with one's aunt

Q: I am 25 years old. I have made zina more than one time with my auntie (Mehram). I also drank her milk during intercourse. Later on we both stoped this sin and asked Allah for forgiveness for such a great sin. We have completely left this relationship. Now some family members are asking me to marry her daughter. I have a question. Is her daughter halal for me? Her mother and myself have left this shameful act and we are very embarrassed about the sin which we have done in past. Please guide me as soon as possible. I am very upset and there is some reason due to which there is pressure on me to marry her daughter.


Q: I wanted to clarify something. I know that by touching a female with lust, the ruling of musahara applies. This is also the case if touching through a barrier but body heat can be felt. If a person is in close proximity to someone, without touching them, they may still feel their body heat that is being released, would this still necessitate musahara? If the man felt lust at the time of feeling this heat? That is, no physical contact occurred, but he felt the heat of the person with lust. Also, is the restriction with any lust, or does erection have to occur in the male who was touching?

Hurmat-e-musaahara and shahwat

Q: Recently I have come across the following situation and I am very distressed. Please could you advice me further. My mother was waking me up for the morning prayer and she touched my hand, without any veil in between, and I had a feeling in my private part. However, this feeling was possibly due to fear of erection happening. Also, I had a feeling in my heart when she touched me. However, as it was straight from waking up, I couldn't think properly and my mind just let it be. In the end, there was no obvious erection that occurred. Does this constitute hurmat musahara. Also, what is the meaning of shahwat for this masala. I have read on two respected websites different definitions. One says the occurrence of an erection, whilst the other says an arousing feeling in the private part. Please help me, as this is distressing me a lot, along with the possible implications.


Q: I have lot of waswasas regarding hurmat-e-musaharah. According to the hanafi madhab what does desire mean in the case of women? I have read somewhere that desire in the case of women means very strong inclination of the heart that it clouds one's thoughts.

My father married a woman who I was previously involved with

Q: My dad married a woman I was involved with. We had a 1 night not even a night (20 minutes in the back of my car). He had no way of knowing. She didn't know he's my dad either. I work in another country and only met her after the weddding. I'm not learnered islamically but know that this marriage is not valid. How do I tell him that? He is my father. She has changed her life a long time ago and is in hijaab and niqaab. What must I do please advise with an open mind.


Q: I wanted to know that if a person is aroused by thinking of something else or seeing someone else but his mother in law is sitting next to him but he is not aroused by her in anyway nor is his attention on her but because they are sitting next to each other both body is in contact. Does this count? Also say you touched a woman with lust before marriage. Can you marry her daughter?


Q: Can you tell me does the following count as hurmut musahara:

If say a man is sitting in a car where someone whom hurmut musahara can happen with is sitting next to him or he is lying his head on their lap, as an example, he is a young adult and is ill. Now he gets an erection due to him having thoughts of other women or seeing other women on tv or on the streets whom marriage is allowed for him. The erection is NOT at all due to the person whom hurmut musahara can happen with being next to him nor is there any lust in his heart on the person nor is his intention of any kind on the person whom hurmut musarhara can happen with, not in the slightest but erection only happens due to him thinking of other women or seeing other women whom he can marry. But due to sitting in a car and the person is sitting next to him or his head in their lap some of his body parts like legs is touching them. Does this count?

Also Can Hurmut Musahara happen between a man and his son?