Suspending the Talaaq

Suspending talaaq upon the wife listening to zikr

Q: I got into a fight with my wife for listening to zikr of Allah Ta'ala and it got to this that I told her that if she will listen to it again then I will give her talaaq. Then I left for mosque but when I came back from mosque I appolgize for using these words. I have used this word once before also but I had no intention of saying it, it just came out in anger. Can you please let us know where we stand and can I give some kuffara for using this?

Suspending talaaq upon having relations with one's wife

Q: I'm an Imaam and teacher in madrassah, married since 3 years. From the beginning of our marriage life we had difficulties during sexual intercourse. After Ruqya the problem was solved but gradually there has been repeated discussion between us and that ended with a first talaq. After reconciliation, the same problem repeated again and again, till a second talaq was pronounced. But we reconciled. And all the discussion started each week on every same day. Last month, it so happened that after being refused for sexual intercourse, and un knowingly that my wife was suffering from pain, I stated these words: "If my private part penetrates yours then the third talaaq will take place". Is there any solution for uniting us? Is there any kaffaarah for it?

Suspending the talaaq upon any action

Q: Will the talaaq take place if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that he does. For example, he says "If I do a certain action, then my wife is divorced", then if he does that particular action, will the talaaq take place? Similarly, what is the Shar'ee ruling if my husband suspends the talaaq upon any action that I do? For example, he says "If you do a certain action, you will be divorced". Through me doing that particular action, will the talaaq take place?

Suspending talaaq upon the wife coming to the UK

Q: My husband gave me first talaq in 2005 when I was in UK with him. He sent me to Pakistan a year ago and gave me 2 conditional talaqs, which he said would become valid in case I travelled to UK with out his permission. The exact words he used in his email were 'I give you two conditional talaaqs. It means that the moment you set foot on the soil of UK, or republic of ireland these will automatically become valid till I take it back'. Now he has asked his father to buy me the tickets for UK along with my 2 children. My question is, can I travel back to UK as his wife or does he have to say that he takes me back as his wife and I can come to UK via email or through any one else. I hope I made my question clear to you.

Conditional talaaq

Q: My question is my husband gave me a first talaq in 2005. We lived in ... for 8 years after that. He asked me to go back to Pakistan to live with my parents after a conflict. He gave me a second talaq via a text message while he was in ... and I was in .... At the same time he sent me an email with a 'conditional talaq notice' stating that he is giving me 2 talaqs on the condition if I come back to ... from ... and they will become valid and that first talaq of 2005, three talaaqs will happen and I will become na mahram for him. I stayed back in ...,then he sent me an email before 90 days, which was the iddat period for the second talaq he gave me earlier via text message, stating that he wants to make rajoo' with me and wants to take me back in his nikaah. After that the 2 conditional talaaqs are still there. My husband is still in ... and I am in ... Is that conditional talaq going to effect my present nikaah in any way like making it makrooh or do I need to do any thing about it so that it does not effect our nikaah?