Three Talaaqs

Three talaaqs via a text message

Q: I have been married for the past 18 months. My husband lost his job after the first month of marriage. I had a job so therefore I supported him and his family (mother, 2 sisters). His father lives in another state and visits monthly. During the course of our marriage, I got pregnant and had a baby girl. His 2 sisters got married. He had tried to work but ended his job at a store and driving a car due to him thinking that people were after him and something was going on at home. Recently, he started losing weight and was diagnosed with gallstones and gastritis. He was treated with surgery. At this point, I had started working part time to take care of my baby and husband. But we were short of rent money. My husband was very angry 2 weeks after the surgery due to pain and shortage of rent money that he told me to leave the home at 12:00 at night with my 11 month old daughter. His mother succumbed to his anger and told me to take a taxi to my parents home. I refused and stayed because it was night. The next day, as he drove me to my parents home, he told me he would pick me up in a few days. Then as he left me and our 11 month old child their, he said he would pick me up when he had a job. Then he left and called me 1 hour later and said he wanted to divorce me and hung up the phone. A few days later, I called him and said I wanted to come home. Later that same day, he texted me the word talaq 3 times. He also wrote the same thing on Facebook messenger. Please tell me if this counts as irreversible divorce or not. He never spoke these words but wrote them. Now he is saying that it doesn't count because he never said it. Please help. I am currently living with my parents and thinking that I am divorced.

Three talaaqs after khalwat

Q: I want to know about the ruling when one man gives divorce three times to his wife after nikaah before rukhsati but they want to remarry, Is halaala required? Or if after nikah before rukhsati, they met together and made romance kiss or foreplay but rukhsati did not take place and he gave his wife talaaq. In this situation what is ruling if they want to remarry? And last one after rukhsati husband made foreplay with his wife but not ful sexual intercourse. What is the ruling if he divorces his wife three times in one place, if he want her back as his wife, is halaala required?

Talaaq in the state of anger

Q: During a fierce argument with my wife, in the condition of extreme anger, I told her that I give you talaaq for one time. Later after about two months, again during extreme anger and in a hot argument I pronounced the word talaaq again two times. During both events, it was only me a my wife and no witness was there. Please advise if talaaq has happened.

Three talaaqs

Q: I gave my wife 3 talaqs at once. On the Internet 75% of imams say marriage is over, while other imams say 3 talaaqs together count as 1. She told me Wallahi Internet is not accurate, & the imam said it counts as 1. I had intercourse with her because I believed she was truthful but I felt guilty. I have since given official shariah talaaq. Are we both sinful or does she carry the greater burden?

Uttering the word divorce in anger

Q: The more I saw him act like that and hurt me the more my sihr took over and I remember repeatedly getting thoughts to hurt him more, something in my mind saying now is your chance to push him so hard that he will regret it. This came into my mind over and over and I got nastier and nastier I could not control myself either, this time I could not even stop, then all I remember was him coming up to my face saying 'if this is what you want then here take it, divorce, divorce, divorce. You asked and pushed for it now there you have it' I still went on not thinking clearly now more angry than ever, I provoked him more saying you going to regret this again and come crying to me tomorrow put it in writing you coward and he did, saying 'I divorce Fathima because of her family' I realized now that he was in such a state that if I put a gun in his hand as well and told him to shoot himself, he would have which he confirmed. That's how lost he was. I really believe without a doubt that he would and that’s the scariest thought! Even though damage is done to some extent I could not lose him forever. I love him for the pleasure of Allah and he is everything I ever wanted, I just wish this would stop! I then still went on and he still went on I knew he had lost it this time, lost his mind as he did not know the nonsense he was uttering. He then broke the dishes by slamming it to the ground, pieces flying all over and stormed up and down punching the wall and going mad. I kept wondering who is this guy he is insane! I told him you're a lunatic and he said yes that's who you've made me. After a while it hit me when I was normal again, I started to cry and then my whole world came crashing down. I did not know what overtook me.

Three talaaqs after an argument

Q: My husband and I had and argument recently. I needed my space called my parents to fetch me. While in my room my husband and father argued. My father hit my husband. He responded by telling my father now you will see what I am going to do. He called out my name and said talak talak talak. I was not present in the lounge but reached the lounge just as it all happened. I myself did not here the words pronounced by him. My father mother and an aunt heard him and all say that he said these words . They all admit that he said these words only to stress the point to my father that this is what he can do. Could you please give a ruling on the matter, and would you be able to explain to me what I recently read in the behishty zewar that If talak given only to stress on a specific point gets counted as one even if said 1 2 or 5 times. maaf for asking if the question is against the teachings of islam but would really like an explanation so that I can understand it. Make dua that we all understand the rulings of our deen and accept them.

This whole indecent happened on a Sunday night. Nobody thought there could be a reason besides the anger etc. for the divorce on the following Friday a cousin got sick and needed an aamil during her treatment at the aamil she mentioned three people that have been affected by jadoo. An uncle who`s mind is affected which is the truth. A cousin who will never be able to have children. Which also is true she is constantly at the doctor and my marriage. I must be left with no husband. Does this affect the divorce in anyway. Do the ulama take this into consideration or is left as is. Can jadoo have an effect on your marriage? Can it break a marriage?

Two weeks before this happened I had a dream that I was sleeping with a another man while my husband was there could you please tell me what it means.

Wife claiming that the husband has pronounced the third talaaq whilst the husband claims that he has not

Q: There is a couple known to me who have a peculiar situation. The wife claims that the man has pronounced the third talaq and the husband claims that he has not. There were no witnesses. Both are prepared to take oath on the subject. Is the talaaq then valid? The woman has moved to her fathers home and refuses to accept that there was no talaq. Any light on the subject will be helpful.