Ambiguous words of Talaaq

Ambiguous words of talaaq

Q: What is the definition of talaaq? Can a person judge a talaaq on me if I did not have the intention of giving a talaaq? In other words. Can another person decide what was in my thoughts and in my heart when I said something and judge it to be a talaaq, even though I had no such intention?

Ambiguous words of talaaq

Q: I said to my wife weeks ago: "I have to go" intending a kinaya divorce and she said "are you serious" and I said "yes". Days later because I was unsure whether it took place and I wanted to be sure and I said alone in a room but addressing her in my heart "I intended a kinaya divorce. You are free" So what took place now? Kinaya or Sareeh and how many times?

Husband messaging the wife "You are free"

Q: My husband said to me via whatsapp messenger. I am sending you his whole message kindly read and guide me ''u r free..I will find meher n pay you. It is useless to waste your time now.. You won't hear from me now.. Ur free go anywhere u r free ur free u r free.. " and now he is not ready to admit it. He is saying my niyat was totally different and mene koi talaaq nahi di. Kindly guide with Quraan ayat or hadith.

Husband saying "I am ending it now"

Q: In reference to the context of ending the marriage, my husband said to me these words, "I am ending it now. I will send you legal papers each month (3 months), give you dower money and Rs. 10000 each month for my son. Only thing between you and me is our son if you allow. You have your life independent in every way. Send me your address, if you will not send me address then I will get it my self". Now he says that I said these words and said I will send you divorce but I did not act upon accordingly. Can you please guide me whether these words count towards my divorce by my husband or not. I am much confused as the words show his intention to send me divorce.

Husband telling the wife "when you were my wife"

Q: I write to you dear Mufti Saheb on behalf of a close family relative. The situation is regarding Talaaq. Some time ago he whilst having a discussion with his wife mentioned to her: "when you were my wife" I do not know in what context either jokingly or what but he does not recall the context but did not intend divorce, he has told her straight after this incident that if divorce had fallen he revokes it. Secondly, recently he had a heated argument with his wife in the car and told her angrily get out of the car and he recalls telling her numerous times if it would make you happy why don't you leave? However they are extremely happy currently and he would like to know what is the status with talaaq falling?

Husband saying 'ab to dedi' referring to talaaq

Q: Please help me, I am very worried. My husband was angry at me and just to scare me on messages he said "mai tumy talaq... Type kar doon aagy b" I replied I think hu gya and he said "chlo phir theek hai, ab sab chor dia maine.. hushhh.. tumy b america b". Later I told his sister and he called me and became angry that he didn't divorce me and while he was talking he said two or three times " chalo ab tu hu gaye na talaq" and I am not sure but I think he also said "ab to de di na talaq" just bcoz he was angry with me thinking that he did. Can you please tell if I am divorced or not. We both are very worried? What should we do now? Two days ago I had a dream we were having anal sex and I became worried when I woke up because I know it is haraam. Maybe that dream had to do with this.

Husband telling the wife to leave

Q: I am writing to you with the deep hope to solve a problem that is affecting my life. I married a man from Saudi Arabia, a man I really loved with all my heart. Sadly we had problems because basically our views to see marriage life was very different but in spite of that I never thought to divorce from him. We had a silly argument but after that he chose to divorce. He didn't tell me "talaq" directly but he told me clearly he didn't wish to continue his life with me and that night he asked me to prepare my bags and leave. I didn't and I was hoping with days he could change his mind. After three/four days he told me again about his willing to divorce and that it was the best thing because we didn't match and he wished a new life with another woman more similar to his needs. The same night we had another argument and he talked to me again about his wish to divorce. He bought the tickets for the flight and he forced me to prepare my bags. I didn't want to leave, first because I loved him and his kids and also it was night and it was Ramadhaan. So I asked a friend to come and pick me up to go to the airport. I want to be clear saying it has been one of the worst nights of my life. He has been very cruel and unpolite. Before going away I said to him to tell me"talaaq" so we could be divorced, because his intentions were clear, and I didn't want to come back with a no clear situation. Also, I reverted to Islam few months before that and it wasn't very clear for me the talaq matter. After that my ex-husband didn't finish paying my mahr yet because he say that I "asked" the divorce ,also he asked me back the marriage ring. I want to understand if is true he doesn't have to pay my mahr and if he can ask the ring back. The payment of mahr wasn't in case of divorce. He was supposed to pay it soon after marriage but he didn't. I need an honest advice.

Talaaq related questions

Q: Before I ask my question let me explain what happened. Shortly after we got married my husband and I had a fight and he said I am giving you a talaaq. This being the first time he has said we took it it as one talaaq, and we reconciled and carried on. After that we had numerous fights and it got to a point where he said he doesn't want to be with me anymore, he is leaving. Very harsh words towards me. But he did not say that he is giving me another talaaq or divorcing me. A few months passed after that and it has now gotten to a point about two weeks ago, that he said I am giving you a talaaq, and he packed up and left. I have been sitting in iddat since then. My questions are as follows;

1. Does him saying during our fights that he is leaving constitute a second talaaq?

2. Is this talaaq he has given now the 2nd or 3rd talaaq?

3. If it is the 2nd talaaq can we reconcile and does a new nikaah have to made?

4. If it is the 3rd talaaq does he still have a responsibility to me during my iddat period or not, as he has moved out am I obliged to spend my iddat in my current home where I am still staying?

5. Is it permissible for me to go to work during my iddat as he is no longer supporting me, and I have no father or brothers or even uncles to take me in?

Husband telling the wife "I got no wasta"

Q: My husband touched the Quran in anger an said I got no wasta. He said he didn't mean it as divorce. Can you please tell me does that mean we are divorced? I've already paid kafara of feeding 20 poor people because he touched the Quran. An we been living like man an wife since. Please help me as I'm not comfortable. I pray five times and I don't want to live in sin for the rest of my life.