Ambiguous words of Talaaq

Husband saying "go to your fathers house"

Q: My parents used to quarrel and many times my father used the words like "go to your fathers house" and even once told to my grandfather "take your daughter to your home" ( in Urdu) and once he even said that "I will get another wife"but never used the word divorce explicitly; but now alhamdulillah they don't fight anymore. Please tell me the status of nikaah of my parents and I think he did not intend divorce at that time.


Q: My husband and I fight a lot where he threatens to send me back to my parents home. Recently while fighting he said he doesn't want me anymore and he's tired of me. So after much arguing, I asked him if we married, yes or no. His answer was no. Does this go as a talaaq?

Husband telling the wife "It's over"

Q: On the 9th of December my husband told me its over over whatsapp but after that we slept together and told me he didn't mean what he said and then again he told me "I'm done" and again over whatsapp that was on the 3rd of January and then my mum asked him are you and my daughter finished now, so he said yes. Does this mean we are divorced or not?

Telling the wife " here is your car keys and your house keys, bye bye"

Q: Please help. Me and my wife had an argument and I have said to her "here is your car keys and your house keys bye bye" meaning I left you. I think I was just angry and wanted to punish her or make her worried and I don't really know what my intention was when I said these words. I left the house but came back after 20 minutes when my anger was gone and we said sorry to each other and continued normal, and we never had anything like that again. I don't think I was ready to divorce her but I was angry with her and I am having doubts of my intentions when I said these words. Am I just confused? This happened 8 months ago and now she is pregnant. Please help having known these words could be considered divorce I am 100% sure I wouldn't have said it. I love my wife and I think the reason why I said these words is because I wanted her to stop this arguments I think, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to divorce her maybe I was treating her or something, I really can't remember what was going through my head but I wouldn't give her talaq maybe I was just angry and wanted to make her afraid. But I didn't think I wanted to leave her for good that's one thing I am sure of. What is my situation brother? Is she still my wife? I wrote to Islamic Sharia council uk and this is what they said (These words without clear and firm intention of divorce, will not constitute an Islamic Divorce.) Is this correct because if this is correct my intention was not firm for divorce. Brother when I said these words to her if she would have said to me at that time "give me a talaq " I would have said to her NO, so brother do you think I was treating her but didn't want to divorce her judging by my first sentence?

Intending talaaq by saying "ab khatam"

Q: My husband gave me divorce in 2 sms's within half hour intervals on the 21st of September. Then after 1 month he made but without any guilt. He continuously makes threats. I agreed to go but couldn't go back as in the last moment I talked to him and he quarrelled again. So on the 17th of December he used the word aab khatam and said he signed the paper. But still I didn't get the paper. Is divorce complete should I sit in iddat?

Does talaaq take place through saying "I do not have a wife"

Q: Please help me. Once one of my friend's said "Do you have a wife? and I said "I don't have a wife, we have gone our separate ways" (meaning I left her but I never had any intention of divorcing my wife. The only reason why I said this is because I didn't want them to know my business but I quickly changed my statement and said "Yes I have a wife" but all I wanted was them not to know my business. Is this divorce?

Husband telling the wife to leave

Q: I am a 20 year old girl. I got married last year December. Recently my husband and I have been having some problems. He has told me to leave twice but from those two times I only left once which was last week Wednesday. I am currently at my father's house. My question is if my husband told me to leave, does that count as a talaaq?

Husband telling the wife "then stay here for good"

Q: I was at my parents home for a meal function and there where guests there. My husband started swearing at me and said I must come home with him immediately. I said I will come after the function is over, as it is rude to just leave abruptly for no reason. On 3 occasions he told me 'come now or don't come/if you don't come now then stay here for good'. What does this mean? He does lie often, so if I ask him if it meant talaq he can lie and say no even if he did mean it at that time.