Ambiguous words of Talaaq

Ambiguous words of talaaq

Q: I have read all the questions and answers on this website relating to talaak and Fasakh and the common factor is Intention. My question is, the husband must have intention when pronouncing divorce. What if the husband and wife constantly argue and the husband always tells the wife “I want you out of this house” “leave and never come pack” “I’m taking you back to your parents” "don't come back to this house". Can this be understood as a talaaq? How many times must/can a wife be told these words? Or should she just ignore them simply because the husband did not intend to pronounce divorce?


Q: What is talaq-e-baain? What are that unlear words of talaq and if man says that such as from now "I don't want to keep any kind of relation with you" then after two three days our problem gets resolved and again the same thing occurs many time. So is it a talaq forever I mean is she haram on me? If I want to keep her what is ruling?

Husband telling the wife "go and don't come back"

Q: I had to go buy stock for the company I work for and I was scared to tell my husband this because he would badger me about doing things for the company so I told him a lie and said I went to China Mall for myself instead. On numerous occasions I did tell him the truth and informed him before leaving the garage but he always used to fight with me saying that I should not do anything for the company. On one occasion he even came to the garage and caused a disturbance.  I almost lost my job but thankfully my manager spoke on my behalf. On Saturday, 1 February 2014 I went home after work my husband told me in front of his mother, father and uncle that I must leave and not come back. I need to know what is the status of my nikkah as per shariah?

Saying to one's wife "I give you one"

Q: I am married and I had a argument with my wife. Whilst arguing one thing I said to her whilst in anger was “I will give you divorce” My intention
was that I would consider a talaaq not give a talaaq. We carried on arguing and I kept telling her to be quiet and speak to me slowly. She did not and this made me very angry and in that situation I said "I give you I give you one" realising that what I was about to say could break our marriage I stopped short of saying anything else. I did not mention the Talaaq  word when I said “I give you” as I realised what it would mean I had given divorce. It was not my intention to give talaaq, my intention was to stop the argument. I have been told that I have used kinayah words and because I had realised what it would mean if I had said the Talaq word and I stopped short of saying the actual word and I did not have intention of divorce, the Talaq has not taken place. Can you please confirm that what I have understood is correct. Please note I follow the Hanafi school of thought.

Husband telling the wife "Tumhe azadi ho jo chaho dekho"

Q: One day in a fight my wife on her freedom to watch any program on Television, she said she will watch anything on Television irrespective of my stoppage. I said that "Meri taraf se tumhe azadi ho jo chaho dekho lekin suba gane mat suna karo". Please advise in the light of above circumstances if my above sentence constitute Talaq e Bain as I heard azad word constitutes Talaq without any intention?

Telling one's wife "go" in an argument

Q: I suffer from wasaawis, but not on a major level, just mildly. I was arguing with my wife and she kicked me. After this I said go. My intent
was if that is how you are going to treat me then just go. At the same time the thought of divorce kept going through my head. Then I thought to myself this could mean divorce and immediately thought to myself I am not intending divorce. Did divorce occur in this situation?