Those situations where Talaaq takes place

Forcing one's husband to issue a talaaq

Q: I'm a 33 year old woman. My husband was an alcoholic. One day we got into a heated argument and I couldn't control myself and forced my husband to give me talaaq. He refused at first and kept quite. When I forced him he just told me "Go talaaq" just once and he repeated the same thing after somedays. I want to know if talaaq took place in this situation and how many?

Talaaq issued over the phone

Q: I have been married for 10 years. I had my 1st talaaq when my duaghter was 2 years old. We reconciled soon thereafter and now I have my 2nd talaaq over the phone when my husband moved out for the second time. Is a talaaq valid over the phone?

His reason for moving out is because I am always skelling. He is never home and I am doing everything; seeing to the kids food and the house. Somtimes he comes home very late at night and I am not allowed to even ask where he was. I don't know where he works or how much he earns. Furthermore I don't know where he is currently staying.

He always wants things his way. He wanted a second wife 4 years ago and it never happened. Ever since then things haven't been smooth. I told him that I'm going to MJC and he told me to because that is for people who doesn't know their deen. Ya Allah I love him tremendously. When I asked him today if my talaq is finalized, he said he will call me tonight. When he moved the 1st time he told me he thought the separation would help. I asked him if we cannot mayb have a separation period then a talaaq he said he tried but he tried nothing. I am prepared to make this work, please help.

Talaaq on WhatsApp

Q: I was recently married and have asked my husband for talaq because he is not providing for me and since I told him I'm pregnant he has not supported me or the baby, he is not with me cause he chose to walk out on us, he cannot provide a home or anything neither has he done anything as far as the pregnancy goes, I am doing this on my own but with support from my family. He did give me talaq but via watsapp, so I would like to know if the talaq is valid?

Talaaq in haidh and reconciling after talaaq

Q: If a husband gives one talaq over the phone saying "I give you talaq in presence of 2 witnesses" and the wife was in menstruation. Does this talaq take place and what is the time to reconcile as she is far away and her husband is not willing to talk. Some say within 40 days or else the talaq takes place. Is this true? This incident happened on August 7. She cant go back to the country anytime before September 10 or so. Also make dua for this couple that Allah Ta'ala reunite them and keep them with aafyiat. This whole thing happened due to a huge misunderstanding and argument.

Wife not receiving divorce papers

Q: 3 years ago my marriage was done with my husband and because of some misunderstandings and circumstances we live separate from each other. Now it's 2 and half years since we are living separate from each other. In this time he tried to give me talaq but I didn't accept, he said that he sent divorce papers to me (but I didn't receive it) and signed it not read it. Is our divorce done or not?

Divorce in court

Q: I wanted to know if I file for divorce in the court in the West so if I sign and my wife signs and the court gives divorce and we become legally divorced. Does it mean we are divorced according to sharia too or court divorce does not affect the Islamic relation. And in case if it finishes our marriage relation by sharia. So then if we decide later to get back as wife and husband as in case we sort out what is the process by Islamic way.