Those situations where Talaaq takes place

Bi-polar patient giving talaaq

Q: I am a patient of chronic depression, in other words I am suffering from bi-polar depression and it was diagnosed by psychiatric and I am having extreme mood swings as well. Once in this condition I gave my wife many talaqs. Actually I uttered the word TALAQ many times. Is my talaq valid?


Q: My husband told my mum last year that he divorces me twice in one sitting. He later said he doesn't remember this and following saying it he smashed his phone. He said it was as if he was not present when saying it, he didnt realise. Is this counted as talaq or ighlaq? I can only take his word for it. Since then, he has said many times that 'main khatam karna chahta hun aj' meaning I want to end it today. But when asked he says he has no intention of divorce and it was only in anger. I cannot live my life as I don't know if I am married anymore.

Issuing a divorce in court to dissolve a COP marriage

Q: Unfortunately we grew up in a time when our Islamic knowledge was very limited, hence it lead to a lot of mistakes and sins that we have committed. One being in question is that when we got married we followed the kaafir law of COP not realising and understanding the concept. Today it brings up alot of complications. Living in our country it is very difficult. People have advised us that the only way to rectify this is through an English divorce at the court. I am very afraid of this as the law of talaaq is not a simple issue and I don't want to live in sin and regret. Can Mufti Saheb please advise me on this.

Mistakenly uttering a talaaq

Q: My wife and I had an argument. I went to the bathroom to do wudu. In my mind I was thinking of her abusive words and imagining we are sitting with a family regarding our fighting in future. And she is using same abusive words. In answer to that in my mind I was saying "Mei tumhe". That was just in my mind. Then in this absent minded state, right after I uttered "Talaq deta hun". I held my tongue realizing what just happened with slip of tongue. I never even had intention of pronouncing this word. I can swear by anything that I did not even have intention of pronouncing it. But it happened with absent minded slip of tongue while thinking/imagining about it in future. Please let me know if one talaq counted.