Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Husband saying "Hate talaaq"

Q: In the beginning of my marriage, my wife did something that made me upset. But we did not fight. She left and I started getting thoughts of divorce. But I pushed them away and told myself that no divorce, these things happen throughout life. And the thoughts of divorce also got me upset. Then as I was walking to my room words came out of my mouth. Actually the words were not good and I am also ashamed of them so I will not mention them here but will substitute the words. The words were: "Hate the talaq, hate the the talaq, talaq ko talaq (divorve to divorce in Urdu) As soon as I said these statements, a sudden thought came to my mind that what if these words caused a divorce. I kept getting waswasa a for few days and I kept telling myself that no I was upset at the thoughts of divorce and I was saying this not to my wife but in order to show my hate towards the divorce.

After 2 months I started getting the thoughts again about the statements I made. While I was thinking about what I said, the words "talaq ko talaq" i.e (divorce to divorce in Urdu) came out of my mouth again all of a sudden. I am so upset why these words came out of my mouth. What should I do?

Should I take it as waswasa and leave it, or what should I do?

Suppose a person is having intention of divorce in his heart, and all of a sudden he said those words i.e. "hate the talaq, hate the talaq, talaq ko talaq" what would be the ruling then.

Husband saying words of talaaq without directing it to the wife

Q: I have been married for two years and have a baby on the way. For some reason I am remembering that one night, two weeks after getting newly married my husband and I went out for a romantic dinner. We were having a sweet and loving conversation that went like this:

Husband: I love you so much please don't ever leave my side

Wife: I love you so very much too. You are my world. I could never leave you, it would be too hard for me to do that. If anything, you could easily leave just by saying three words.

Husband: oh yeah talak chahiye talak chahiye talak chahiye. Wait no, talak dehta hoon talak dehta hoon talak dehta hoon.

Wife: yes those are the words. why did you say those words out loud?

Husband: I thought you were asking me if I knew the words so I just mentioned them.

Wife: did you say it to me as a funny joke?

Husband: no I was only mentioning the words because I thought you were asking me if I knew the three words.

We left the conversation at that. We believe that everything was okay. We even submitted this to an Islamic website and also spoke to an imam of our masjid. They both said that if he did not direct those words towards me in seriousness or in a joking divorce and only said those words as to mention the words by which divorce happens then the nikkah is fine and unharmed. He was only speaking in hypothetical terms by way of example.

 Please let us know what you think as well of the situation?

Saying talaaq by the slip of the tongue without the intention of talaaq


1. My wife and I had an argument. I went to the bathroom to do wudu. In my mind I was thinking of her abusive words and imagining we are sitting with a family regarding our fighting in future. And she is using same abusive words. In answer to that in my mind I was saying "Mei tumhe". That was just in my mind. Then in this absent minded state, right after I uttered "Talaq deta hun". I held my tongue realizing what just happened with slip of tongue. I never even had intention of pronouncing this word. I can swear by anything that I did not even have intention of pronouncing it. But it happened with absent minded slip of tongue while thinking/imagining about it in future. Please let me know if one talaq counted.

2. Similar question but in my case there was no anger and no fight. I was alone and completely fine. My wife was not present. It just slipped out because I was thinking about the subject of divorce and I did not even think about my wife. Suddenly this thought came of her and I said the words "aap ko talaaq ho".. if I didnt have the intention to say these words or to divorce my wife what is the ruling?

3. Also, once in anger she wrote in an sms "bye" to which I in an instant replied "bye bye bye" but had no intention of divorce. Does that also count as divorce? 

Dreaming of divorce

Q: If a woman dreams that her and her husband are far away from each other and she is angry and upset with her husband but isn't sure if they were divorced in the dream.

1. Would a dream like this mean divorce in real life?

2. Would dreaming of divorce mean divorce in real life

3. Would dreaming of this or of divorce mean that the nikah has broken or become or will be invalid?