Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Will telling one's wife "here's your keys bye bye" constitute divorce?

Q: One time me and my wife were arguing because she kept accusing me of loving another woman which was not true so I got angry and said "here's your house keys and your car keys bye bye". I was angry and I left the house. I wanted to go to my family's house but after walking about 10 minutes I said to myself "why are you going to your family's house just go back home" then I walked back to my wife's house and we said sorry to each other. Is this divorce because I didn't know what was my intention at that time but I didn't want to say talaaq. So I think I was just angry but I am having waswas thinking what was my intention at that time when I said these words. I think I was only upset with her accusations and wanted her to stop. 

Uttering the word divorce without addressing the wife

Q: If a man utters the word "divorce" not for the purpose of his wife's divorce neither was he addressing her at a time when it was uttered. However when it was uttered a thought of his wife came in his mind. Will it constitute divorce ? It was uttered without any purpose. He was not addressing his wife. He had no intention of referring it to his wife. However when it was uttered a thought of his wife occurred in his mind in a flash and disappeared. Now he is worried.

Husband typing in a draft message "you go" without the intention of divorce

Q: If Arif writes "You Go" on a sms on his phone with this in mind that he is thinking that he is saying this to his wife Rubab, but on the sms there is no mention of Rubab's name neither her number is displayed in the 'To' Field, its all in the mind. Does the intention count then or is it just nothing. Bearing in mind, Arif suffers from constant wasawas in every aspect of life, marriage, salah, wudhu, ghusl. 

Husband saying "Our nikaah is haraam"

Q: I have been married for 27 years. My husband used to beat me but now his health doesn't allow so he calls names. Recently he crossed the line by saying that our nikaah is haraam and as a result our children are haraam. I am very upset and troubled. He prays 5 times a day and even wakes up for tahajjud. He has read the tafseer and been for hajj and umrah.

Doubt on whether talaaq took place or not

Q: Out of fear for a court case, the husband wrote in a letter to a lawyer that he and his wife are in the middle/process of separation, in the Dutch languauge. Does this count as 1 talaq or not even 1 at all? He saw this letter that he had once wrote while he was goimng through his emails. He defintly had NO intention to do so and even did not remember he had written this letter until a few days ago. Will this be 1 talaq or no talaq at all, since there was absolutely no intention and saw he wrote this letter almost 8 years ago. Now they are a very happy couple with three kids alhamdulilah.