Those situations where Talaaq does not take place

Court issuing a divorce without the consent of the husband

Q: My wife was divorced from her ex Husband. When she filed the divorce in America, her ex husband left for Pakistan and he never showed up in the court or Islamically gave her divorce or signed any paper. But the court in America awarded her the divorce and then she got married to me. In Islam did her previous divorce happen. Because after 2 years from the court order she got married to me. So I need to know if our nikah was valid?

Husband asking for talaaq

Q: My husband is very abusive and has anger issues. He is physically, verbally and emotionally abusive. Whenever he is in this state, he tells me our marriage is over. Our last fight I decided to go as I was hurt. We text daily and he would be nice and some times ugly. Yesterday he texted. I want my Talaaq, I want my Talaaq you better arrange my Talaaq, is this valid as a Talaaq? 

Threatening one's mother that one will divorce one's wife

Q: I want to ask a question relating to divorce. Actually I went through a certain situation of argument with my mom in front of my wife where I told my mom unintentionally that if you think I am not good with you after marriage I will divorce (talaaq) her and be good with you. But this statement was unintentional and just meant to make my mom realize that I am not changed. Whats the ruling of this?

Insane person issuing talaaq

Q: What is the shari'ah law about a person who is mentally I'll. His mood swings every know and then, not wearing cloths properly, arguing with every one include mother and wife and relative's. Don't sleep during Knight, doctors diagnosed him as psychotic patient with severe palpations and he is on medication. During one big argument he became insane what ever he is talking he is not aware of what he is saying. His wife said that he said talaaq repeatedly. What is the rule for it?

Mentioning talaaq in a conversation

Q: I want to ask about that while I was talking with my wife (a general conversation) that my family never ever said talaq talaq talaq word. I want to ask that by hearing these words in general conversation does our nikkah ends? Only by hearing. I haven't said any thing intentionally or in anger mood. She just hear that words not directly either

Woman issuing talaaq

Q: I got married at the age of 16 to a guy I didn't like. As i was still young, my parents decided that I would stay at my parents place and they will do my ruksati at the age of 20. I never stayed with my husband nor had any physical relationship with him. Meanwhile I fell in love with another guy and engaged in some sexual activities but I haven't done Zina. In 2015 I divorced my husband because I had no feelings for him and broke up with the other guy too. I know I have made such a big sin and repent all day and night. I want to do a fresh start, what should I do? And I want to get married again but getting no good suitor plz suggest me some dua.

Being forced to issue talaaq

Q: After a serious fight between my parents and relatives and my inlaws, my husband was forced to give talaq to me while I was in a different city. He was told that I asked him for divorce. While I didnt know anything what was happening there. It was told by my parents to ask for divorce. My husband refused to give talaq for first four days then he just gave it forcefully when he was blackmailed by my uncle that he will bring some guys to beat him or from court he will do some fight process and second lie he told him that I cannot go to Saudia without having divorce papers it is necessary. My parents lives here in Saudi and they lied about this. With that fear of being beaten by those guys or for my sake that Ive asked for it so that I could go easily with my 8 months daughter, he signed the papers without even reading it without intentions. He just had a thought while signing that Allah you are watching it that I am not willing to give plz help me.. Then he signed and cried alot. In short, we both were lied to about each other. He didnt know this was happening and he didnt even want divorce and he was told that your wife is asking for it. On the other hand I was told that he gave you divorce by his will. Is this divorce valid?

Doubts regarding divorce

Q: In the past I had some disputes with my wife. Alhamdulillah things are better now. However, sometimes I have waswasa if divorce may be occurred.

I have several questions but biggest one I will ask now others maybe later. One such instance is as follows that I would like to ask. We had been separated for several months. There was a meeting with some elders about our marriage and it was decided to give us 1 month more to sort things out to get back together. At the end of this meeting, I said something to one of the elders like "okay so we have 1 month to work things out, if things work out she will be back within 1 month and if not then..." and I basically stopped and there was non-verbal expressions. I did not mention "divorce" in that sentence and neither do I believe that was my intention. However, I did sort of in a way imply divorce and afterwards I mentioned to others as well that "we have a 1 month time limit to work things out".

We got back together but a couple of weeks past 1 month. After 1 month passed, I started getting waswasa that maybe I had stated a conditional divorce which I did not realize earlier.

I do believe although I was implying that things will not work out if it goes past one month, I did not intend it to be a conditional divorce upon one month but rather that a decision of divorce would have to be made (so basically I was saying something like so we have 1 month to make a decision).

I don't believe my understanding was that divorce would take place automatically after 1 month, but rather that a decision would have to be made. After 1 month but before we got back together, as part of a conversation I also said something to my wife like "We had 1 month time limit, if things worked out you would be back if not we would be ending it" or something similar like "if not things would be over".

I just want to know if this was conditional divorce. Again I did not use the word of divorce and I don't believe it was my intention.