Rights of servants

Maintaining family ties with relatives who are jealous

Q: Our relatives sometimes hurt us, like some of our cousins are jealous of us and do things that actually hurts us and try to degrade us. At first, all our relatives would dine with us but when they started being jealous of us, all our relatives were far away from us, especially from our family and because of that I am in very bad condition.

I am mentally disturbed... and I actually don't know what to do. I am just making sabr, because at this point I can't do anything and this thing is actually happening for 3 to 4 years already. What does Islam teach us to do at this point?

Befriending Ahmadiyyah's and maintaining family ties with people involved in sin

Q: I have two questions: 

1. How to deal with people called Ahmadiyah? A girl was apparently wearing a hijab like Muslim women do and I grew friendly with her but now I came to know she is Ahmadiyah and not Muslim. What should I do?

2. How to deal with relatives who are involved in *gunnah e kabeera* or greatest sins. They also perform black magic and admit it. Is the prohibition of not cutting off with relatives still there for us? When these people also harm my family and try to create obstacles for every important thing.

Showing good character when working among people

Q: We are a group working together on various assignments. Lately, I started having fights with a friend who is also a co-worker due to his mood swings. This person presently does not like me due to few issues that took place between us. Please could you provide an emergency wazifa to remove hatred and anger from this person's heart for me so that our friendship can once again be restored.

Holding a grudge against one's father

Q: I am a 36 year old divorced woman living at my parents' place. I have some past grudges and current complaints against my father, I consider him responsible for most of my misfortunes; but since he is my father, I need to be respectful, but the problem is I get out of my control as soon as I happen to see him or even worse, if he speaks to me or wants me to do something for him. All my distress comes back and my injuries get fresh again. This is why I try to avoid him but most of the time this is not possible since we are living in the same house, though I keep quiet in front of him, but as soon as he is gone, I start shouting, cring, beating myself and cursing him and using abusive language about him. I don't do this intentionally but it just happens and I cannot do anything about it. I am extremely stressed and emotionally disturbed due to this. It's happening for more than five years.

Kindly suggest some remedy.

Taking care of one's ill father

Q: My dad is now a coronavirus patient and lives in another city. Being a girl, am I allowed to travel to another city so that I can take care of him? I otherwise live with my mother in another city... they have separated thus they don't live with each other. Am I sinful for not being able to be near him at his time of needs?

Regret for speaking harshly to one's mother

Q: I am 21 years old. I love my mother but I spoke harshly to her today relating to my marriage issues and she cried. My father died when I was young and she alone raised me. I've hurt her today very badly. I've said sorry to her but I just can't get it out of my head that my mother cried because of me. Can you please tell me what should I pray to erase this mighty sin off my shoulders?