Rights of servants

Maintaining purdah when keeping family ties

Q: What is more important: segregation between men and women or keeping family ties?

I am asking because in my native place and family, people have almost completely left the rules of segregation between men and women. So, I'm afraid to visit my family members. I have been concerned about the rules of segregation that I stopped visiting my relatives for a long time. But because of this my relations with family members became really bad, which is another bad thing in Deen.

Also, in my current situation I can't survive alone. I need help from my family to survive. I cannot stop visiting them.

Also, many of them are not able to understand my stance on this issue. Many of them are getting a bad image of Islam when I give less importance to family relations. They seem to be going further away from Deen and Imaan because of me.

So, how should I balance?

I am a weak hearted person. I may not be able to boldly oppose the malpractices when I visit my family. Also, I can't bear to see their hearts broken because of me. I am also not able to convince them of our rules.

Now, I am feeling that I should give more importance to maintaing family ties. I am feeling that I should visit them even if I may unintentionally do some sin in the process. Is this the right way to proceed?

Meaning of breaking family ties

Q: I would like to know what does it mean to maintain and break family ties. Does it mean visiting the person? I don't visit them and we don't speak very often but when we do we greet and speak. They have hurt my feelings many times, I don't hold any grudge against them but I don't want to confide and spend too much time with them, does this mean I am breaking ties with them?

Not sharing one's items with roommates

Q: I live in a shared apartment with 5 other men. Is it okay to not share my things with my roommates if they don't care for their own things in use.

For example, they don't wash their blankets and use mine as I try to keep my blanket clean and washed. Should I compromise my health and cleanliness or first take care of my basic needs and then share if I can. Please tell me as I don't want to be greedy in Allah's sight.

Husband preventing wife from talking to her siblings

Q: I'm engaged and soon going to get married to the man I'm engaged with. He does not like my siblings because they have caused me harm in the past and are causing me harm in the present too. If I don't talk to my siblings at all for the sake of my husband, will that be counted as qat-e-ta'alluq? Kindly guide me as I'm in a very serious situation where I have to choose.

Helping one's mother run her business


1. I currently live with my mother who runs a business from home, many a times after I return from work she requires that I assist her with her business and this takes up my time for ibaadat and serving deen. Am I sinful in refusing to assist.

Note it is not household chorus but business related.

2. I intend getting married and my mother demands that I should come by every night to assist her with her business, am I sinful if I refuse in this regard as it will take strain on the marriage.

Interacting with a Qaadiyaani

Q: We have asked some people after some authentic proof if they are Qadiyaanis but they are denying it and saying that there is nothing like that but the person who told us about them is a very close blood relation. They are denying all of these. Now we are in a fix as to what to do. Whom should we believe?

Not disclosing information due to fear of envy

Q: Not disclosing information due to fear of envy. Is it okay to avoid a question or not answer it truthfully out of fear of envy and jealousy?

During my last pregnancy, I shared the good news openly with my immediate family, not thinking that they would be jealous. I went through quite a few problems after. Since then I have come to realise through experience that some of my family are very envious especially my sister in law. This time I don’t feel right to share any good news with them at all. I can see from their facial expressions and actions that they do not rejoice in my happiness so now that I have gotten good news Alhamdulillah I feel like keeping it discreet.

I am confused and need to know if this is even okay. I don’t want to displease Allah by lying. Allah is The Protecter, but at the same time I don’t know if I should keep this news to myself, as I have read it in a Hadith. Please advise me as to what is the best approach Islamically.