Rights of parents

Respecting one's mother

Q: My mother gets angry easily and I try to respect her however from a young age she has hit me even though I try my best not to irritate her, being in my teenage years it is difficult, could you please advise me on what to do in these situations.

Respecting one's father

Q: Recently me and my father just came back from a court case our first one which gave us a sign that this was a great trial from Allah. Previously my father kept on demanding a change from me and forcing me to change my attitude, behaviour, talking to family nicely etc. But the problem is my dad doesn't do anything of them as well so how can I change if the environment that I'm surrounded by has some bad and my father keeps on getting my brother involved because he has changed because he has moved to a darul uloom in the UK where the environment is full of huffaaz and ulama. So it's different to mine. I seriously don't know what to do? I told my dad I can't change in one day that's what he is demanding. It went to an extent that I said to my father that I said I can't change unless you do and my father says theres nothing for me to change just you even though my mother had agreed that if you want people to change some points that even you have to change as well but my father said never. I'm not going to change for no one and this is bringing my anger through that I can't live with my father anymore but my mother just said avoid him for a few days and not to deal with him. I don't know what to do. I'm trying to change but if I have my father around I don't think I will but I did say that if you want me to change theres going to be some rules as well that there are no more jokes to be done as it leads to haram and there has to be little talk as in I talk to you less but still he disagreed I mean what can I do. Now I told him some of the stuff he said was wrong even backing my self up from the quran he still said no? Subhanallah I get the feeling sometime that what kind of a dad has Allah given me (astagfirullah)? Please give some naseehah for what should I do? Move out the house to my grandparents? Or never talk to him anymore? Or anything that you think because my father is ruining my life.

Verbally abused by one's non Muslims mother

Q: My mother (christian) keeps abusing me verbally. Each day she is telling me continuously how bad I am, that nobody can ever love me, that I'm too stupid for everything, that my fiancee will also soon leave me (she says) because I'm so bad. Because of that I got depressions, panic attacks, huge fear from going to school. I'm trying to stay calm or go away, tell her to stop but she doesn't care. I know the value off mothers in Islam and don't want to displease Allah. But what should I do?

Fulfilling the rights of parents

Q: I often have attacks of anger and because I cannot control my temper, I sometimes swear at my parents and physically abuse them. After I calm down, I say sorry to them and ask them for forgiveness. I feel very guilty because my parents are old and due to my physical abuse, they suffer body pains. I am very scared that something dangerous might happen to me on account of my ill-treatment towards my parents. My question is, "Will I burn in hell for treating my parents in this manner?" How can I repent for this sin?

Respect to parents

Q: I just want to know what are the rights of the parents taking into consideration the following scenario:

I am 27 years and am currently staying with my parents, and have been staying with them since I came back from university. I have been going to see prospective spouses for the last 5 years, and my parents have insisted that I stay with them (even though I had three sister staying in the same house with us then , now they are all gone) after I get married, I did tell them that it is her right to have her own place, but they refused to listen, and my father is very temperamental, so I couldn't even say anything otherwise he'll bring the whole roof down. So for the last five years I had to ask the girls if they are prepared to stay with the in-laws. And we did propose for a few girls but they all said no. Anyway this year we went to see a girl, and she wanted her own place, so now My father agreed, but he said that she must stay with us for a while, and the girl also agreed. Then there were some issues that came up and my parents were feeling that the girls family is making all
the decisions and so we decided to delay the nikaah a bit so that we could discuss the issues. But when my father phoned he was very abrupt, and started saying things he should, he told them that the girls father is not supposed to speak to me and he should discuss issues with my father and that the girl must not come here and upset our lives and some other stuff. And so the girls side called it off. I was extremely upset, because he was making all the decisions for me and that I have no say in anything, My father is very hot tempered and if I disagree with what he says, he will starting shouting me. So I did write him a letter explaining all my grievances, and he agreed with some of them, but after that he starting complaining to my mother that I am blaming him for. In the letter I also told him that I want to stay on my own from the beginning, and I even threatened pack up and leave them if they continue to make decisions for me and force they views on me. But I don't know if he going to change his ways.

Anyway I need to know what I should do now, and what exactly are my parents rights on me. If I get married and stay on my own, they still want us to come and have supper with them. Also if I stay on my own how often should I come and visit them, and how much of time I should spend with them, and how much time should I spend with my wife. Also should me and my wife have supper with them everyday?

I left home due to abuse from my mother

Q: My mom said too many bad things to me in anger. She said I am not fit for marriage. I will never be able to get married and accused me of bad things. She also threatened to kill me and was banging my bedroom door to hit me. She even embarrassed me by shouting out bad things about me. As a solution, I left home and started living somewhere else. Please advise if I did the right thing based on Shar'iah? I felt that my life was in danger so I left home and I also did not want to be hurt by my mom if she hit me.