Rights of parents

Husband keeping children away from his father

Q: My question is pertaining to relationship of my children with their grand father (husbands father).

My in laws are divorced now for a very lone time. With the result that there is no communication between my husband and father in law at all. Since being married and having kids now I would like my children to have a relationship with their grand father (Dada) as my father (Nana) is late. I have posed the question to my husband regarding this and he said that his father is aware of his grandchildren but has not made contact. But my feeling is that his father has not made any contact because father and son are not on talking terms and as result he has kept his distance.

Should I leave it and not pursue this any further or shall I try and make contact with my father in law even though he does not know me. What is the correct action to be done here. Please advise.

Living close to one's parents to take care of them

Q: I was married recently. My wife wants us to live in a different place than my parents and I know it's in Islam that she has the right for a separate place. I'm more than happy to live with her in a different place. But, Islam also says that the son has the responsibility to care for his parents. I want to know how am I supposed to live with my wife in a different place and simultaneously take care of my parents.

Selling the possessions of a woman who is not in the correct state of mind

Q: An old woman who is not in her correct state of mind, meaning she is unable to make proper decisions herself, now needs to move out of her home, to live with one of her children. Her own home needs to be packed up and sorted out. Is it permissible to distribute her things among the children or what is the correct way of handling her possessions?

Living separately from one's parents

Q: I just got married last month and I also don't want to live with my parents because my father creates a miserable situation at home which is going to make an impact on my spouse, my future children and me.

My mother is suffering from this since her marriage and she feels lonely. I asked her to live with me but she said that I can't leave your father but my father does not understand things.

I live in a different city but I want to take care of them because they are alone. I have one elder brother but he is also not interested in living with them.

Before marriage I asked them to move to a city where we can live as neighbours and my mother said Yes it is okay. Now she emotionally blackmailed me and said that we will live with you in the same house so I had to say Yes. I want to take care of them but don't want to live with them in the same house. I said Yes to my mother.

Nowadays, I am with my parents and I am feeling that my parents do not respect my privacy with my wife. I am very very confused about what to do. What I am thinking is that I will ask my mother that if a miserable situation arises in my presence then I will move out and live somewhere else.

Respecting one's mother

Q: I always have behaved badly with my mother. It is from my childhood. Now I know it is a grave sin but after doing tawba so many times I cannot change myself. I always have negative thoughts about her instead of her favours to me. I always think about the bad side about her and disrespect comes in my mind for her. I have tried but cannot get rid of it. I know she has many faults in her for which I disrespect her in my mind but this is a grave sin. How do I get rid of these thoughts and treat her with utmost respect?

Helping one's parents move into a home that was bought on interest

Q: I'm a 26 year old Hifz Student that studies in a Madressa. I would like to know if I can assist my parents and brothers in helping them move into a house that they bought on interest.

Alhamdulillah, I will not be living with them due to it being a house that was bought on interest, however they are asking me to help them and carry things into that house.

Can I help them? If I say no, they will be like what kind of son are you that can't help his own parents to move.

Severing relations with one's mother for committing zina

Q: My mother has slept with a man 3 years ago. She is now living with him while I am living with my father. Recently she has performed nikkah with the man saying that she has been divorced, but my father was unaware about this. \

1. Should I tell my father about this?

2. I dont want to contact my mother from now on so am I doing the right thing? By doing this will Allah be angry with me?

Respecting one's father

Q: I belong to a very poor family, because my father sold all of his land, house, goods, etc. because he is addicted of all kinds of intoxications including women. Now he is stealing from people.

A few years back, my mama started working as a maid servant to bring us up. Now I am grown up and I cannot bear these things any more. I beat up my father when he steals something but he never stops.

I kicked him out from my house because I cannot explain what it is to live with my father. Will Allah forgive me? I do not want to do this but I am tired and can't bear this anymore.