Those women with whom nikaah is not permissible

Marrying one's ex-wife's daughter

Q: Is it possible to marry an ex-wife's daughter? I know a man that married a woman 13 years older and she never told him she has a daughter almost his age. They are not together any longer and he wants to propose to the daughter. Is this permissible considering he didn't know this? He didn't have intercourse with her since finding out as he was very hurt and shocked.

Marrying a Christian

Q: I've been working in corporate company for a few years, and have met a girl there. We both really like each other. She however, isn't Muslim. She's a Christian. She really has a great relationship with God. But, she doesn't have intention of converting - even though she's considered it a number of times.

Her ideal way of raising our children up would be to teach them both religions, and focus on their similarities. I will also always put Islam first, but, if this is allowed, I really don't want to let go of this girl. We really get along well, she's intellectual, she's a few years younger than I am, and we both love talking about religion and life in general. Similar interests. Please advise me as to what to do.

Marrying a Christian woman

Q: I am from India, non-Islamic country. I love a Christian woman. She is chaste and religiously righteous (prays daily, neither eat pork nor do alcohol, etc.). But she considers Jesus as god. Am I allowed to marry her, even though, what she does is considered shirk?

Marrying a Shia

Q: Can a Sunni girl marry a Shi’a boy? He does not believe that Ali (radhiyallahu anhu) was the next prophet nor does he place more importance to him, they believe in Allah and that Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) is the last messenger. They also follow the same Qur’an and have respect for all the other companions and family of the Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

Marrying a Shia

Q: I have recently been in a difficult situation to figure out if a marriage between a Sunni girl and Shia guy is allowable?

I have done a lot of research on this and on each other’s aqaid please enlighten me with your knowledge.