Those women with whom nikaah is not permissible

Marrying a non-Muslim

Q: A Muslim brother is asking whether it is permissible to make nikaah to a non-Muslim (Hindu/Tamil). He is very keen on doing it the right way although the girl at the moment is not ready to read shahada. She is pregnant with his child and is willing to allow the child, when born, to be a practicing Muslim. What is the ruling for this brother?

Marrying a married woman

Q: I have a girl that I love, we're both Muslims. She is married to a family very close to mine though we can still marry because people do it before, but now she is saying that we cannot marry because our families are too close. She gave birth to a girl in another family before re-marrying to this current family... I don't want to commit zina. What should I do? 

Marrying a Shia

Q: I need help and assistant with something and is very serious. I am a sunni girl and want to marry a man who is a shia. We want to get married so we can start our future together but unfortunately due to him being a shia my parents are not agreeing. I have known this man for a long time and know that he is very kind hearted person and loves me for who I am and wouldnt ever change me. My father says that it is really bad and that I will be jumping into hell if I marry him and will take my parents to hell too. Making me feel like a bad person! I want to marry this person and he believes in Allah (swt), our Prophets, and the Quran so how can he not be a Muslim?! And also he doesnt curse the Sahabahs. And yes I know there are differences but they are opinions and other arguments between sunnis and shias and are politicial rather than religious. Also there are stuff that we both spoke about after we marry for example our kids and cleared all that but my dad is still being stubborn and feels that they feel change me into shia (which I know he wouldn't!) and also that he has read stuff that shows shias are just kafirs basically. He isnt even agreeing to meet him and im stuck because i cant leave either, my family or him! if i was to leave home what would happen then, would i get gunah for marrying a shia man?