Those women with whom nikaah is not permissible

Marrying a Shia

Q: I am a Sunni Muslim girl and I got a marriage proposal from a Shia friend of mine. I wanted to know if I can marry him.

Some of the things I would like to mention about him is that his family doesn’t do shirk in a way that they don’t put anyone else at Allah’s place like most of the other Shia’s do.

Secondly, we’ll do the sunni nikaah and my Uncle is an Aalim so he will read our nikaah. They don’t curse or say anything bad to our beloved Hazrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu), Hazrat Abu Bakar (radhiyallahu anhu) and Hazrat Usman Ghani (radhiyallahu anhu).

Kindly tell me if I can marry him and what conditions should there be if I haven’t mentioned them already here. 

Husband marrying wife's aunt (mother's sister)

Q: A girl is 16 years old and she got married to a 27 year old boy knowing that the boy was having an affair with her own aunty (girls mothers real sister). After one month of that girls marriage, her husband got married to her aunty. 

So my question is... is the first marriage halaal or haraam. If it is haraam then can the girl get married to another man without any divorce or khula?

Marrying one's foster brother

Q: I really love my cousin and he love me too. We did everything together and I regret that but it’s happened now. He told his mother that he wants to get married to me. But his 2nd mother told him that she gave me milk and to him also. My mother never told me that even my father don’t know about this. Now we really love each other and we can’t leave each other. What to do?

Marrying one's step sister

Q: My mother married a man aand they have a baby girl. After her husband died, my mother married my father then I was born.

Can I marry my half sister whose father is different and our mother is the same? We are both in love. If not, then what do we do?

Marrying a married woman

Q: I want to get married to a Christian girl and she is even willing to convert to Islam now. She is not Muslim yet, actually she was with a Muslim boy before and he took her to the mosque to do nikaah as she only did it because that boy wanted her to go to mosque with her and they did as well but as per her she did it because that boy wanted to do nikaah with her according to Islam. The permission of her mother was also not in it.

My question is, was the nikaah valid or not, as she said yes in the mosque in front of the Imaam. If the nikaah is valid then what should I do?

Marrying one's first wife's niece

Q: I know a person who is married to 2 wives. The relation between the two wives is aunt and niece i.e. the second wife is the first wife's niece (that means his first wife's brothers daughter). The second wife had physical intimacy with the man before his second marriage. Does hurmat musaharah takes place in this case? Is the second marriage valid or not?