Equality between wives

Fulfilling the rights of the second wife

Q: I am a second wife and my husband hasn't lived with me since the day of our walimah. It's been almost a year that we've been married and my husband only comes to me for 2-3 hours a day. In this year, I was also pregnant but the timing of my husband remained the same. Now I want him to stay with me the exact amount of time he didn't spend with me in the last year. 

Second wife forfeiting her right for her husband to spend every second night with her and reclaiming it

Q: I have taken a second wife - but before I had married her we had an agreement in place that I will not stay every second night with her. Now she is demanding that right. She is a revert. She said that she didn’t know how hard it was going to be a second wife. She knew from the beginning the Islamic laws of 2nd wife.

Is she valid in her argument and can she change her mind and do I have to now fulfill her right?

Equality between wives

Q: If I marry a second wife while I am in financial difficulty? Can I treat each wife according to my financial capacity? I will request both of them to accept my financial position. Can I marry a second wife with her consent of supporting her with only a monthly budget of 20000 rupees.

Equality between wives living in different countries

Q: Presently I have two wives. I married with my first wife while I was studying in Turkey and she got official status of my wife in the online government system in Turkey. I have married again a couple months back. Now I got a job in Turkey, where I can take my first wife only (since she is registered there and two wives are not allowed in Turkey) and cannot take my second wife due to the given reason. I am confused as to what to do?

If I take my first wife only and visit Pakistan in the holidays or call her on a tourist visa off and on, will this be fine and justified? Please advise me as to what I should do so that I may not become sinful?

Equality between wives

Q: Husband has 2 wives; one is a housewife and the other one is working. The husband said to the working wife that she should bear all the expenses by herself because she is working. What should be the distribution of nights as the working wife only visits on weekends and for the whole week the husband spends his time with the one who is the housewife.