Oaths & Vows

Breaking an oath

Q: One of my friends was a chain smoker until recently. Even after many attempts he was unable to give up smoking. Finally one day he took an oath by holding Quran paak in his hand that he would never smoke again. But after few days he started smoking again. So what is the kaffara of the oath which he took on Quran. 

Unmarried woman taking an oath that if she does something then her nikaah will break


1. If before giving the marriage consent in front of witnesses a girl takes an oath that if she does a certain thing her nikaah is invalid but she breaks the above oath when she is married ...is her nikaah valid?

2. If after giving the marriage consent in front of witnesses a girl takes an oath that if she does a certain thing her nikaah is invalid but she breaks the above oath when she is married ...is her nikaah valid?

Taking a false oath

Q: I smoked weed once or twice which I am not sure is haraam or not. Anyways recently my mother found it out from my bag. It wasn't mine and she made me swear upon her head and the quran that I haven't ever smoked weed in my life and I did. Please tell me did I do wrong by taking a false oath and what penalty I have to pay for forgiveness? If I hadn't done it, she might be heartbroken.

Breaking a promise

Q: For some years a religious guilt feeling blocks my mind. Before starting the story I have two cousins and I name them as A and B.

When I was studying in grade six, a gang of boys of about six including those two cousins used to buy and see porn cd's. When this came to my knowledge, cousin B asks me to make a promise that if they show me those videos and if I tell others or our parents then education will not come to me. At that age I had never seen such movies and I touched his hand to promise then only will they show it to me. I had done umrah before all this happened. So after some years they two had a chance to go for umrah and after coming from umrah cousin B told me that their sin is erased by going for umrah and I saw porn after visiting umrah.

In that situation I felt guilty and I think of the expenses of my parents to go for umrah, so I decided to tell my mom. Now my cousin A knows that I told my parents and I forgot whether I asked sorry for breaking my promise.

Now for some years when I am studying that promise (if I told anyone about seeing porn then education will not come) comes infront of my mind and it blocks my mind from concentrating and I feel depressed and I feel like I cant study. Can we make a promise not to see porn and tell it to others for guilt feeling?