Oaths & Vows

Incorrect vow

Q: A person vowed that if he never changes his school, he will stop smoking. He has not changed his school till now but he has smoked many times in this time. Does he have to offer expiation and how many?

Breaking a vow


1. A condition for a vow is that it must be verbal and therefore if one cannot remember if he made a vow verbally or in his mind is it binding?

2. If I made a vow that I will give my first months wages from my new job to charity then I spend the money, is my vow broken and will Kaffarah be necessary? Or can I give the value of the first months wages another time in the future?

Kaffaarah for breaking an oath


1. Will my kaafaaratul yameen be done if I give ONE poor person R200, as R20 is what an average meal would cost, or will it be more. If it is more, then how much will suffice?

2. I took an oath that I will not do a certain action, and if I did then I would keep 60 consecutive fasts. I then did the action, resulting in my oath breaking. What should I do now? How many fasts must I keep and how will I cover up for breaking the oath?

Kaffaarah for a broken vow

Q: I had a habit of fantasizing things. Once I made a vow to Allah that if certain thing happens I will never fantasize anymore. After that thing happened I kept on fantasizing things and did it for more than thousand times. Now do I have to offer one expiation or for every time I broke the conditional vow?I know that if I cannot pay the money I have to fast three days. Do I have to fast three days for every time I broke the vow or is it sufficient to fast three days for all time?

Making a vow in one's heart


1. I made an intention that if there is a certain outcome I will give money in Sadaqah, the outcome occurred, is it permissible to use the money to pay for the postage of clothes parcel to relatives in India?

2. If it isn't permissible where can I give the Sadaqah money (what can the Sadaqah money be used for)?

Taking a vow

Q: A person vowed that if I never fall ill, then I will stop smoking. He hasn’t fallen ill still now but he has smoked many times. Does he have to offer expiation and if yes then does he have to offer only one expiation or for every time he broke the vow?

Breaking a vow

Q: I once went through something in my life and I promised Allah that I would give up something dear to me i.e. I would never read novels again if He removes that problem. It has been a year since and I have not broken the vow but I find it very difficult and I find myself just wasting the time away. What must I do as I am very confused?