Oaths & Vows

Staying away from sin

Q: I had heard an incident of the past wherin 3 people where closed in a cave and they each looked at a sinful act of their past to which they abstained and then asked Allah to move the rock blocking the entrance and Allah accepted.

This made me think and some weeks later in a depressed state whilst making dua to Allah, I said such, Oh Allah I will try my best no promises to abstain from this sin, please let me be married now. If I lapse into this sin again will I be accountable now for 2 sins.

1. The sin itself

2. Not abstaining. wrong

I am still not married. Please assist me. I am concerned that I unknowingly might have committed a vow and now I don't know what to do.

Committing zina

Q: I have committed a shameful sin and I want you to help me to get over with it. I made a promise to Allah Ta'ala that I won’t masturbate for the following days but instead I had sex (Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah Astaghfirullah). I could not control myself and I did this shameful act of sin. Now I am feeling guilty and I request you to enlighten me regarding my promise (is it broken or not as I promised not to masturbate but instead had sex) and if my promise is broken what kaffara do I have to make?

Not fulfilling a vow

Q: My wife has asked this question, she lost something and in emotion she made a mannat that she will recite 11 times Surah Yaseen, 5 times the next day and 6 times the day after when she will find that thing. Now she has found that thing but forgot to recite the first day, i.e. 5 times Surah Yaseen. The question is, is there any kafarah for that?

Breaking an oath

Q: When I was in grade 7, around the age of 13, I'm not sure whether I was baligh then, but our school went in a camp tour and at the camp some of the boys including me were swearing when we were talking. The camp instructors heard us swearing and reported us to the teachers who then threatened to report us to our parents. Me being young and terrified I said to my non Muslim teacher out of fear of my situation 'Kassam I won't swear again'. Does this count as an oath? Also when I was in grade 8 I felt ashame of an act that I committed so I said while making dua, "Forgive me for committing that act,  kassam I won't commit that act again" I haven't sworn or think I've used a swear word since and I've committed the second act about 10 times in the last 5 years.  

I want to know if this counts as a breaking an oath and what do I have to do to get forgiven? And do these oaths even count because I'm pretty sure I wasn't baligh for the first 'oath', and the second one I made when I was baligh while making dua I said those words ' kassam I won't do it again' Does the oath count?

Breaking a promise

Q: If I made a promise to Allah Ta'ala that, if I was to be cured from this illness, I would never do a particular sin again. However when you get better you fall into that type of sin again.

Now does this mean I will be included in the verse of surah tawbah verse 75-77 who Allah Ta'ala punished with hypocrisy as a result of breaking a promise with Allah Almighty. I am really worried that I  am going to be punished with hypocrisy and die a hypocrite.

Breaking an oath

Q: A person says "If I commit such and such a sin, I will fast every Monday and Thursday". The person committed the sin so started fasting. Does the option of paying kaffarah for breaking an oath still remain or has it closed because he has already started fasting?