Oaths & Vows

Taking a vow not to use Facebook and thereafter mistakenly opening someone else's Facebook

Q: One day my wife made a vow to Allah that she will never use Facebook in the future. Her sister uses facebook and always has automatic login into facebook on her mobile. When my  wife uses her sisters mobile, mistakenly she opened the facebook app and automatic logged into her sisters facebook account or profile. She saw her sisters Facebook profile picture etc. but she didn't use Facebook, she just saw it.

Breaking a promise made to Allah

Q: A couple of days back I asked a question and you responded to it but I don’t understand what the answer means. Also I have a couple more doubts with respect to the question I asked. I’ll repost the question and your response for reference.


Once I was scared I was pregnant (even though I haven’t committed major zina) and after my salah while making dua I said ‘please don’t let me be pregnant Allah. Please help me and keep me from this. If I am kept from this I will not do a particular sin again’ I was making dua and I wasn’t trying to make an oath or a vow of any sort. I was just talking to Allah and telling Him I’m sorry for my mistakes. Please tell me if this would qualify as a vow or an oath?

Alhumdulillah I was saved from the calamity but I have continued to commit that sin I said I wouldn’t. So please tell me what to do and whether what I said qualifies as a vow or oath.

Your response

If you made a verbal promise to Allah Ta'ala, then this constitutes an oath. You should sincerely repent for the sin you committed and refrain from it in the future.


Here you said that it qualifies as an oath. But I didn’t make an oath to or swear by, I made a promise to. So how does it become an oath?

Also, if it is an oath and it has been broken, do I need to do kaffarah?

Also, does refraining from a certain act fall under doing an act of worship?

Also, I don’t remember if I made any kind of vow or oath or promise and if I did, I don’t remember what it was. What should I do?

Also, the sin I was speaking about was zina, if I get married to the person, can we or can we not have sexual relations?

Kaffaarah for breaking a vow


1 .I made a vow for not watching explicit things but I can't remember if I said it out loud with Allah's name. Maybe I did. I remember thinking "if this happens then I'll never do this"I was not aware of the ruling of vows at the time.

2. I also made several promises to Allah about not watching those things and I ended up watching those thing once or twice Astaghfirullah. Do I have to expiate separately for this or does doing it once complete as they are both about not doing the same act.

3. In all the promises and vow I specifically said about not watching pornography but in the recent promise I also said about not watching anything sexual. Yesterday I ended up watching a music video that was of a sexual nature for like 5 seconds before remembering the promise and turning the video off. Does this break the promise and is this promise considered a separate type of promise requiring separate expiation?

Taking an oath not to talk to one's family members

Q: I recently swore upon the Quran in anger that I would not talk to my family members in a fight and if I do, may Allah punish me and give me a terrible death. Allah knows that I did it merely out of anger which I regretted instantly. But now I fear of this stupid and poor act of mines. How can I repent? Is there anyway Allah will forgive me and not punish me?