Oaths & Vows

Making a promise to Allah Ta'ala

Q: If a person thinks to himeself that "I promise Allah Ta'ala that I will not do a certain thing, or I will do a certain thing" and then he is too weak willed to carry out that oath, do they have to give kaffara? And if that happened more then once, do they have to give kaffara for each broken oath or will just one kaffara be enough? {lease bear in mind that the person was not telling anyone else, but just thinking aloud to themselves.

Making a vow to give a certain amount of sadaqah every time one commits a sin


  1. My question is that if a person makes a promise to Allah that every time he commits a certain sin he will give 'x' amount of money to charity and then commits that sin, does he have to give that money as well as kaffarah, or is that money classed as kaffarah?
  2. Secondly, is their a way to end such a promise as even though that person is trying to eradicate that sin, occasionally there are relapses, and therefore to prevent committing two sins i.e the sin itself and the breaking of the promise, could that person end this promise?

Kaffarah for breaking an oath

Q: What is kuffarah for an unfulfilled Qur'an oath? I took an oath of not missing salaah with a sheikh online who gave me zikr for weak memory and doing good in medical school. I did the zikr for a while and then stopped it. I totally forgot about the oath. I do pray but not regularly? So now I am in last year of my medical school. I have a lot of prayers to make up. Can you please guide me about the kuffarah? Do I have to make up all the prayers and is there a kuffarrah along with it? 

Kaffarah for breaking one's oath

Q: I made a stupid vow over the phone while talking to my husband. After relations he always says things that show his regret that we had relations. It hurts my feelings immensely. Last time he expressed the regret I lost my temper and said (exact words in are in urdu) I said "theek hai ab aap mujhe haath nahi lagana, main qasam kha rahi hoon, agar haath lagaya to main ghar se chali jaoon gi" for the word " haath nahi lagana" I meant sexually. And also when I said ghar se chali jaoon gi, I meant temporarily. This was a threat. I did not mean anything. Despite our problems, we love each other a lot. I belong to the hanfi school of thought. Is fasting for ten days or feeding 10 masakeen for a whole day enough kafara. What does my foolish words entail?

Holding the Qur'an and taking a false oath


  1. A person who has two wife's and at present is living with the fist wife, the second wife made the husband touch the Qur'an and made him say I am your only wife and the first wife isn't my wife she (fist wife) is my sister. The husband said this to make her (second wife) happy and when saying this he had the intention that the first wife is also his wife, what is the Shariah ruling for all this?
  2. Will the second wife  be sinful for making the husband say the above touching the Qur'an?
  3. Will the husband be sinful for touching the Qur'an and saying the above?
  4. By doing the above does it effect the Nikaah in any way?

Meat of an animal which was sacrificed to fulfil a vow

Q: Husband and wife were doing hajj last year and the wife was not well during hajj. So the husband made dua to Allah said that if his wife has performes all the hajj rituals completely as per quran and sunnah, the husband will sacrifice one goat for gratefulness to Allah for helping his wife to do the hajj rituals according to sunnah. The question is that the meat of the animal should be given to only beggars or neighbours also or some part can be consumed by the husband and wife and their family members?