Oaths & Vows

Kaffarah of an oath

Q: My question is if somebody intends to expiate an oath by buying ten clothes for ten different individuals and places these clothes in a container/box (like a recycling one, but for clothes) which is supposedly for charity (outside a musalla). Is this acceptable?

Taking an Oath for acts of kufr

Q: A person who promised or said or took a qasam etc. to commit an act of kufr or commit an act of kufr at the time of death or join shaytaan or follow him or become brothers with him or accept his offers or accept it at the time of death or die as a non-muslim or commit a sin etc. Does it suffice to seek Allah's forgivness alone?

Breaking one's promise with Allah Ta'ala

Q: I made an oath/promise that if Allah takes me into the third year (of University) I won't look at Haraam videos. So far Alhumdulillah I have kept up this promise but day by day I am finding it hard to keep it. So can I change the promise to something else like pray Tahajjud everyday or something else. Because I am afraid I might break the promise. However I don't plan on breaking the promise but just in case if it does happen.

Note: I am not in the third year yet bet most likely I will be Inshallah.

Taking oaths unnecessarily

Q: Once while conversing with some body I took khuda ki qasam for some reason. After the conversation I thought about my qasam was right or not. I think I have taken a wrong qasam. The actual sentence for qasam was “khuda ki qasam hum mazaak men bole the”. This sentence was spoken by me for another sentence I spoke earlier (for which I am confused that whether it was spoken in mazaak or not from my side but I took an oath on khuda).

Making a vow to perform tahajjud

Q: The way before I made a prayer that if I succeed in so and so I will try my level best to offer tahajjud regularly. So if for some reason I skip a day or days then did I commit a sin? Offering tahajjud regularly for the sake of mannat, does this make the reward of tahajjud any less? I made supplication like this "Allah apne kamyaabi di to mein tahajjud ki pabandi karney ki puri koshish karungi "

Making others take oaths unnecessarily

Q: I asked someone to say some specific words. That Person said it in normal way but I knew it from my heart that that person was lying to me so I asked him to swear to Allah on this and I insisted many times. During our conversation that person once mentioned that my (that person's) life in this world is destroyed and you want to ruin my Akhira (world hereafter) as well. At last that person said those words with "swear to Allah". My question is now what to do? What is the Kafaarah in this situation and what are the obligations on me towards that specific incident because it was I who was insisting for this again and again. What should I do for that person?