
Network marketing

Q: I have a question relating to network marketing.

I am a neolife distributor and I sell the products as well as recruit people under me, thus growing my team. I therefore earn based on their sales as well as my own.

My question is whether this is allowed by the shariah. Is the income earned from what they sell and thus contributing to my points and therfore my position within the company e.g. Senior manager, Halaal income?

Selling food from home

Q: My mom does a private catering business from home and sells food from our house to the customers. Recently a food organisation has contacted my mom for her to sell weekly food to them so they can serve their customers this food. Is this allowed in Islam? Because the customers of that organisation don’t know who makes the food (if the organisation makes it or someone else) My mom is saying that it doesn’t matter where the food comes from because when you go to a restaurant no customer asks who cooks the food and where it comes from?

Charging the customer a handling fee when returning items with damaged packaging

Q: I have a general store where I sell a variety of different items. It often happens that a customer buys something, but later on has a change of heart and wants to return the item. The problem is that he has already damaged the packaging when opening the item e.g. he tore the plastic and box. This makes it difficult for me to resell the item because customers view the torn packaging as a defect in the item. What should I do in such situations? Can I inform customers that in the case where the packaging is damaged, a full refund will not be issued, instead 15% will be deducted from the refund?

Restaurant charging the customer a plate sharing fee

Q: In some restaurants, if a person orders a dish and wishes to share it with someone else at his table (e.g. a husband and wife order a dish and both wish to share it instead of ordering separate dishes), the restaurant will charge the second person a ‘plate sharing fee’. If the second person does not pay this fee, they will not be allowed to share in the dish of the first person. In Islam, is it permissible to charge a plate sharing fee?

Istisnaa sale

Q: Can you work for a shop which shows their clients samples of blinds and thereafter they acquire it for them? I don't think the shop owners understand that it is not permissible for one to sell something which one does not possess.

Restraint of trade agreement

Q: I would like to know if a restraint of trade agreement is permissible in an Islamic sale.

Example: I am selling my cellphone business to Zaid. In the sale agreement a clause is added that I, the seller, is not allowed to trade in the same field of business for a stipulated period (e.g. 5 years). Will such a clause be permissible? If not will the adding of such a clause nullify the entire sale? Or will the clause be impermissible and the rest of the sale be correct?