
Following the rules and regulations of a company one works for

Q: Is there any rules and regulations about not working according to an organization's standards?

For example, I work in an organization and my job is to give bonus amount to others based on their work. There is a chart by the organization about how much bonus should be provided according to the work. But if I don't follow it and give a bonus not according to them, will it be ok or not?

Demanding payment from a client

Q: I did work for a Hindu. Payment was due months ago. He owes me R425. It is a tiny amount, but I spent a lot of time on the work, and the amount will cover certain business expenses.

He promised thrice to pay. I stated clearly the terms when I quoted him before he paid the deposit, which he agreed to. But now he says, months later, those terms are unfair, so he will not pay. I should email, and message him several times for months, but no response.

He finally answered the phone. I was so angry at his excuses and lies, that my hands started shaking and I started arguing loudly and interrupting him. I never get vulgar or insult, but I was rude and hostile. I never became like this ever before on a worldly issue in my entire life. Eventually he said he will pay month end. I said "Thank you, goodbye".

If he was a Muslim, I would have overlooked this for the sake of peace and community, hoping reward from Allah Ta'ala. But this treatment from a Hindu, I don't appreciate. Please advise:

(1) Was I sinful in talking rudely, angrily, and hostile with him? If yes, must I apologize to him for being rude? He has continued to lie and ignore me for months, and I finally got to speak to him on this occasion.

(2) What do you advise regarding the R425 he owes me? Should I pursue it or just drop the matter in view of peace? The next option I can consider is issuing him a legal letter of demand, following with Small Claims Court. But I do not want to go to court. However, I can threaten him with it. Insha Allah I will follow your advice.