
Including impermissible clauses in a lease agreement to deter tenants from delaying payment

Q: Due to tenants not paying rental on time, we intend putting a clause to deter tenants from delaying payment. Please advise if it is permissible to include the following clauses in a lease agreement.

NB: We only intend using one of the 2 clauses in each lease.

1. Failure to pay monthly rental by the due date will result in the premises being locked by the lessor. The lessor will only unlock the premises once all arrear rentals are fully paid. The lessee will be charged for expenses incurred in having the premises locked and unlocked.

2. Failure to pay rental by the due date will result in immediate termination of lease. The lessee will be liable for a daily rental of R1000 until the premises has been vacated or a new lease has been agreed upon. (The amount for daily rental we intend using here will be significantly higher than the [proportionate daily] amount the tenant is being charged accordingly to the lease which has a monthly rental amount.)

Transporting haraam meat and fear of contamination

Q: I am seeking advice on a matter that I am faced with currently at my work place that is weighing heavy on me. I work for a particular company that does distribution of frozen foods nationally.

We have 3 freezers in our warehouse currently of which 2 are for generic stock (non halaal) and the 3rd freezer is where we only keep halaal stock. On a daily basis stock is picked from our halaal freezer and mixed with the generic stock for the stores that are non halaal. In the event where there are over picks regarding the halaal stock, where it has mixed with the generic stock. Is it permissible to take that stock back into our halaal freezer? Bearing in mind that the stock is boxed and packaged already.

So, basically my question is that if it is mixing with the generic stock, can we return that stock to our halaal freezer again or would there be a possibility of contamination.

Kindly advise on the above mentioned, so that I may have my conscience cleared as well.

Working for an insurance company

Q: I'm in UAE and here vehicle insurance for all vehicle is mandatory.

My question is, working in a vehicle insurance companay as a reconcile officer which the person has to check how many vehicles insurance we have paid and how much we have claimed from the third party insurance company. But I'm not engaging directly or indirectly to sell or buy the vehicle or other types of insurance to anyone.

Is that permissible in Islam, i.e. is my earning halaal or haraam?

Agent taking a fee

Q: X company sells stationary items. They store their products in the warehouse of Y company. People buy the products through the website of Y company. Y company packs and delivers the products and takes the cash upon delivery. Then Y company gives the cash to the X company and Y company receives a certain fee. Is it permissible to buy products of X company through Y company?