Permissible and impermissible items of trade

Selling samples

Q: I am an intern doctor. We get many samples of medicine from different pharmaceuticals companies. They gives us the sample and describe about the ingredients, benificial ratio for patient and we also can learn of newer generations of medicine which is available now in our country. The packet of samples contain only few medicines e.g.: 2/3 tablets, 1 injection, etc. Because its only a physician sample and over the packet it's written that "physician's  sample, not for sale".

Now my question is, 'Is it halal to sell this sample and use the money for myself'? Many interns sells this product at 40-50% less than the market price. If it is not halal then can I sell and give the money to an orphan child?

Accepting the proposal of a boy who sells CCTV and DJ equipment

Q: A man proposes for a woman, and both are satisfied with the proposal. He has a business where he sells equipment as a living, primarily CCTV camera systems. He has also sold DJ equipment (exact details are not known) on 2 occasions. My questions are as follows:

1. Is the selling of CCTV camera systems permissible?

2. Is the selling of DJ equipment permissible?

3. Is his income halal, and would it be permissible for the woman to go ahead and accept his proposal?

Meaning of 786

Q: I have a question regarding 786 numbers.

1. What is the meaning of 786?

2. Is it permissable to buy and sell 786 cell numbers and licence plates?

3. Also is it permissable to sell a licence plate if someone offers a high price since it is nice numbers like 1001

Doctor prescribing the morning after pill

Q: As a Muslim doctor working in the emergency department, I frequently come across women requesting the morning after pill. I refuse to prescribe the morning after pill on religious and moral grounds. In that case, another doctor prescribes it. The morning after pill prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus. It has the potential to become a human. Is it okay to prescribe it if it is based on need, weakness or illness?

Selling a burial site

Q: My grandfather, may Allah have mercy on him, owns a land that was a burial site about 40 years ago. It was deserted but now the land is in the middle of the city and we want to sell it or make use of it. I want to know if it is halaal to do so.

Selling health books that contain pictures of animate objects

Q: I want to sell physical health eBooks that may contain images of humans for the purposes of demonstration. E.g. a fitness eBook demontrating how to perform an exercise or movement. The intention is that buyers will be purchasing the eBook for the information and content and not for the images. What is the ruling on this (both male and female images, would awrah need to be covered as this is solely for demonstrational/educational purposes?) and will income gained from this be halal? If this is not permissible, could you give me guidance on other methods I can use to demonstrate things such as exercises/stretches with visuals etc.