Permissible and impermissible items of trade

Credit price higher than cash price

Q: Wholesalers often sell to retailers large stocks on a credit period and for this credit period they often charge a little higher price for the stock then those making cash sales. It is clear that retailers purchase big stocks and cannot pay for that upfront and often prefer to purchase on credit. Does that little higher price charged for the credit period amount to interest? A house hold appliances wholesale business is in question.

Purchasing a cat

Q: My family wants a kitten/cat. I live in the USA, and where I live it's very hard to find someone who's giving away a cat. I heard that it's not permissible to buy a cat. Can you please tell me the ruling on this? Can I buy a cat?

Selling viagra tablets

Q: My brother sells Viagra tablets (these tablets are used for erectile dysfunction). Is his business halaal or haraam? We do not know whether the customers who buy these tablets will use them in a haraam or halaal manner.

Ordering Islamic books online

Q: Is it permissible to order Islamic books online and have them delivered through shipping, even though the books contain aayaat (and some are tafseers and translations) and one knows that the shipping process is quite rough? Realistically, the packages will be thrown around, placed on the ground, will have other goods placed upon it, might even get stepped on, etc. before it gets to the destination. Am I allowed to order?

Selling an app

Q: I want to create a learming app in urdu. It will have takhtees with the voice of my nephew and exercises for learning urdu and no pictures of living things. Is it permissible to create and sell such an app?

Selling fireworks

Q: Is it permissible to sell firecrackers during Christian holidays and offer freebies to attract customers to come in the store. The money from the firecrackers will be kept separate. Can you sellitems that are not legal to sell and can get fined for if you ger caught? After doing the above, can you still praise Alllah for makeing your business so successful and giving you so much barakah in the rozi and even if you are paying taxes. Please clarify.