Valid & Invalid transactions

Seller charging more than the fixed price when selling an item

Q: I bought an electronic item from a store and it was discussed that the amount would be 67000 INR even if I pay once or in 3 installments. On the bill it was mentioned that 22333x3 will be deducted from my card every month for 3 months and also it was mentioned as 65300 as principal and 1700 as interest. Is this allowed as the amount was fixed?

Later, I found out in the statement that around 100 rupees was charged extra and total amount which they took was 67100 INR.

Selling a car as a loophole to acquire a loan

Q: I have a question regarding interest. I have a financial issue in my business. I need around 5 million to complete my running order. A friend of mine has an electronics business. He is selling his products at a higher price in easy monthly installments. As I told my problem to him, he bought a vehicle for 5 million pkr and sold me this vehicle for 7.5 million in six monthly installments. I sold this vehicle to the same owner at a lower price (4.99 million) and took money for completing my order. Is this haram in Islam? Because my friend is taking money against a product, not against money, and I'm paying him for a vehicle, not for money. If it is haraam, then what is the solution because I already used the money and invested in my business after selling the vehicle.