Valid & Invalid transactions

Taking possession of an item before selling it

Q: I want to sell items (mostly food) via social media. e.g. tubs of biscuits, sweetmeats, pastries etc. I do not make these items nor keep any on hand i.e. made to order. The items will be procured from multiple home vendors. I will advertise these items via social media and interested parties will contact me to order and pay me for the items. I will then order the items for the buyer and the buyer will collect from me or from known pickup points in different areas. I will be paid before I have the items in my possession and I will pay the baker once I collect/receive the items.

Will I need to get the order, buy/pay and have the item in hand before I accept funds from the buyer? Will this type of model be permissible? If not, what will I need to adjust in my model for it to be permissible?

Selling a property and holding back the property while receiving the rentals until full payment is made

Q: Please advise on the following:

I have a share in a property I'd like to sell privately. The buyer wants a few months to pay.

Can we do the sale as a cash sale rather than credit, and I allow him time to pay, but till he pays the entire amount I hold the ownership of the property and receive the rentals. When the final amount has been paid in full, the property transfers into the buyers ownership and he receives rental.

In essence, for safety reasons and to receive the rental in the interim, will this be permissible, rather than doing a credit transaction where the ownership would transfer immediately and I would have a doubt regarding payment later.

Purchasing a plot for development where the exact location of the plot is not demarcated

Q: Can a plot be purchased in a newly developing area where the exact physical location of the plot cannot be determined? They showed the plot on a map and the roads, other plots adjacent to the said plot, roads and park etc. in proximity to the said plot. They showed us that the area of the said plot and told us that your plot cannot be located now as the demarcation of the plots is not yet done. Is this sale and purchase valid?


Q: Is drop shipping halaal? I intend to sell clothes online via a supplier. The stock resides with the supplier. I will link my online clothing store with the supplier. The client chooses from my brochure and makes payment, then the item will be shipped via courier to the client. Is this permissible?

Working for FLP

Q: I want to know if it is halaal to work in a network marketing company especially in FLP company America.

This is a brief overview of how the company works:

After free registration under sponsorship of a person who I join through his ID, the company is giving us their products (aloevera contained-health products) with some discount to sell them to the general public.

We have to then pass different levels in order to achieve different status in the company

1) We have to buy at least 5000 products and sell them. To achieve the level in which we can add/join some other person under ourselves (under our sponsorship) to do the same business. After achieving this, we become "business owner".

2) We have to sell/recommend the product of cost 33000 to acheive 2cc (cc=case credit), which is common currency of this company all over the world). In this case, we become "assistant supervisor".

Likewise, the more CCs we achieve, the different levels we reach and the higher salaries we earn.

3) Here we receive bonus/passive income from our downlines (the people who joined me or the person who joined them, and carrying on further down the chain) as well. We receive some special percentage of amount from their (downlines) work as well. This earning is called  "bonus or passive income" here.

However, the bonus amount/passive income is subject to a condition that we must fulfil, that we have to generate a special number of CCs (case credits) by ourselves actively, then only we can receive our passive income otherwise we will be denied any passive/bonus income.

Please advise on the permissibility of above.

Supplier putting a condition that a sale cannot be cancelled once an item is ordered

Q: My supplier sends me pictures and specifications of items that he is selling via WhatsApp. Whatever items I want, I order via WhatsApp. Is it permissible for my supplier to put a condition that once I order an item, the order cannot be cancelled, or is stipulating such a condition zulm (oppression and extortion)?