Permissible and Impermissible employment

Modifying products and selling them

Q: I am a product designer. I got an offer from a company. The new company buys good from China, modify the logo, colour, etc. and sell it in the European market. Among the things they buy mostly, are speakers, mobile phone accessories, and also musical instruments that include a guitar, or a drumkit.

My job is to suggest a colour and finish to the goods if required. Apart from that, the core business of the company is - it manufactures audio speakers (its own) and also synthesizers, guitar distortion units, and mixers. However I will not have anything to do with the core business department. My department is only concerned with sourcing goods from China, modifying it a little if required and selling it. Kindly give me your opinion if it is halaal or haraam.

Dissecting human corpses

Q: In Islam, is it permissible for a person to become a doctor?  To become a doctor, one will have to carry out many haraam acts e.g. dissecting cadavers (corpses), etc. Since mutilating a corpse is haraam, will becoming a doctor also be haraam?

Vet treating pigs

Q: I am a qualified vet and generally treat farm animals.

Sometimes, the farmer asks me to treat a pig that is sick. I will need to examine the animal and administer the necessary medication or treatment to it. Naturally, this will involve some physical contact with the animal.

I was told that even a pig is deserving of treatment as it is the creation of Allah, and all creatures should be shown kindness. However, I want Islamic guidance in this regard.

Is this permissible? Will the money earned through this service be halaal?