Permissible and Impermissible employment

Adding fake experience in a job application

Q: I lost my dad so I am the responsible person at my home and I recently graduated in mechanical engineering and the job market for freshemen is really hard. Everyone wants experienced people. So people told me to add a fake experience and after trying for a lot (months) I hardly got any reply. Being sad, I added a fake experience and I landed a job. I didn't take the salary and left it even before completing one month.

Again I tried but didn't get any interview call. I added the fake experience and got selected in a company. Trust me, I can say it was my dream job but again the fake experience is haunting me. If I join with the fake experience, will it affect my earnings, will it be halaal or haraam?

By the way, the experience I added is of field work and the job is for sales so it's no relation and the fake experience was in the construction industry, and the current job is in the oil and gas sector. So the experience and job description aren't related, but still fake is fake. 

Studying graphic design

Q: I am a student and I want to make a career in graphic designing. Is it permissable? I have searched it on the internet and some say that it is haram to draw any living thing and some are saying that you are drawing without the intention of being equal to Allah. Some are saying it is not a real image, it is just a graphic in the form of rays on your screen. I am extremely confused.

Transporting alcohol

Q: I am a truck driver, doing deliveries and pickups mostly all day. Today I was asked to pick a load from a brewery, which is alcohol. I asked the management to change it because I am a Muslim and not allowed to deal with alcohol. Its been two hours and I am sitting in my truck waiting for the decision to be made by management, which can be mean that I could be fired or forced to go home. Kindly let me know if I am allowed to haul alcohol or not, particularly in my case. 

Taking up a profession that requires drawing pictures of animate objects

Q: Can I give an entry test of an architecture university that might require to draw a face. And, can I practice for doing that beforehand. The university would also teach sculpture, art, etc. in the first year and I might be (or might definitely) be required to draw/sculpt faces and other things, etc. What is the ruling on this?

Working for a company that manufactures electronic equipment

Q: I am an enginneer from Pakistan and I am working in a private company which is the offshore company of another Company in USA, so our office is controlled by USA company. That USA company makes electronic solutions including medical, residential commercial, military and a lot of other solutions. I am currently working on medical solutions but my concern is that the company also provides solutions to military. Should I be concerned about that or not? Is it halaal to work for this company?