Permissible and Impermissible employment

Doing business while working for a company

Q: I'm working as a cashier. My company says no illegal business while doing your duty. But in my location, some illegal business is going on and the company knows about it but remains silent. Maybe they are supporting this activity. Can I earn money from this source? Is it haram or what?

Note: The business we are doing is exchanging money for customers at a bank rate and we sell this currency outside then we get a profit from it

Using one's past experience to find a new job

Q: I got my job through the reference of my father's friend. I always doubted the procedure for acquiring a job but under my father's pressure worked for 3 year then I left. I thought that Allah will not be happy with me although I wanted my Allah to provide for me a job by better means. Now I want to know that whether I can use my past experience to find a new job or not?

Concern for earning halaal

Q: I would like to know about halal and haram incomes. Alhumdulillah I have a full time job. I have undertaken a second job working in hospitals on a casual basis for the basis of saving for hajj, investing in a business and paying off my mortgage (riba based unfortunately). I have chosen to work on Male wards to avoid mixing. But there are some points I would like to clarify. I will be working on mental health wards as a nursing assistant which from time to time require restraint of patients.

1. If I am called to another ward in an emergency situation can I restrain the patient if the patient in this ward is a female?(Alhumdulillah this has not happened to date)

2. The training required to restrain patients is carried out in a mixed environment where physical contact with females for the purpose of practising restraining techniques is highly possible. Would I be able to do this training?

3. I make an effort to avoid serving haraam foods served in the hospital by explicitly stating religious reasons (Alhumdulillah, to this day I haven’t had to serve haraam food). But if no one else is around to carry out the duty I may have to serve the haraam food. Can I do this?

4. So far none of the instances have occurred in this job and the chances of the above points happening are very low (except for training which takes place once every year).

5. The income earned from this job, would it be halaal? To use for hajj or daily living or investing etc.. if any of the above points occurred.

6. Finally is this job suitable (halaal) based on the above information, if not what should I do with money earned so far.

Illegally obtaining a certificate to get a job

Q: I have a severe confusion prevailing over my mind whether I should do a particular thing or not, the situation is as follows:

I got enlisted in a regular-basis employee list from state government recently and if I produce documents before the government I will be appointed as a linesman in power development department of my state, but the problem is it requires to be qualified up to 8th standard i.e. middle pass, and I don't possess any document regarding that as I'm not a middle pass or I can say I haven't qualified 8th standard.

Now my family members have suggested to borrow an illegal certificate or make a duplicate any how to get the job and support my family. My situation is confusing as I'm poor and need to support my family and on the other hand I've always praised Allah Ta'ala in five prayers a day. I'm under pressure from my family to take the wrong step but I personally don't want to take this step. Please suggest something in this regard so I can be out of this mess.

Working two jobs

Q: I have two jobs, one is very relaxed and the other is a full time. Kindly guide me if it is not haram because it is mentioned in the contract of the first job that you will not be engaged in any other job while performing this job.