Permissible and Impermissible employment

Working in a bank

Q: I am working in the IT sector for a bank. Is this permissible? I create the process of how share holder request are routed from beginning to end with automation. I am not directly working with any customers. If it is not permissible should I quit right away and look for another job? I have already started applying as soon as I realized it may not be permissible.

Using software programs named god

Q: I'm a software engineer and there is a website called Its a website for saving and downloading software codes. Its so popular because of the high quality that pretty much everyone in the entire industry is using it. It even acts as a software engineer's resume. Its a huge website but the problem is that it has a couple of programs that some people decided to give names like thor and god. The company nike is a similar issue. However, one can avoid nike but avoiding is impossible in this industry. What is a Muslim to do in this situation? 

Earning through applying make-up for women

Q: I have recently started a part time make up course so that I can start earning money to help with expenses for my husband and kids. I have already spent money on the course and on buying the necessary things to do make up for other clients but I realized that it may not be permissible to do make up for others.

1. Would I get the sin for doing make up for women who then go without hijab to functions or mix with non mahrams? Will my income be haraam?

2. Also are we allowed to use stick on synthetic lashes for women who request so? If I had realized earlier I would not have invested in this course and the make up needed

Working for a bank

Q: I'm looking for a job and I got an offer in at an Investment Banking. I didn't know if I should accept it because I do not know if working in a bank is haram? Can I accept this job offer?

Becoming a financial advisor

Q: I have a question regarding a job as a financial advisor. Is it permissible to be a financial advisor or haram if I am working in a financial institute and NOT the banking sector. I was studying financial advisor mutual fund, when I heard that working as a fianancial advisor in any sector is haram, so I left the study.

Working for a company that accepts the bank's interest

Q: I have a question regarding my job. I work in a technical firm as an engineer and my company pays me a monthly salary. My company take projects from clients and after completion of projects the client pays money to company, company puts that money in the bank and then our salary comes. Although i am not sure that either company takes interest from the bank or not, but i know that in my country Pakistan, every other company does that so there is a very high possibility that my company also takes interest from bank. So now our salary comes from (Client's money + Bank interest). So what is the Islamic ruling on this issue.