Permissible and Impermissible employment

Female working in an old age home

Q: I am a student who works at a taxi call center and I sometimes have to book taxis for people who come and go from bars and night clubs. I have been questioning a lot if my job is haram but I am not sure if I am directly involved in their sins. Because of the uncertanity I decided to apply for a second job in the hopes of quiting this one. I applied for a job at a group home to help seniors and people with disabilities, but I have not taken the job yet as there are different views about a female person working in such settings. I applied for this job because I thought it would be rewarding to take care of someone in need. Is it okay to work there if I take care of women only or if I just help them around the house without having to see their awrah? I am really struggling to find a halal job.

Working as a software engineer

Q: I have a job offer as a Software Engineer from a company who call themselves as Robot Advisory Company or Wealth Management company. The company is a software firm, they have developed software solution that manages wealth. It is Business to Business model (B2B). One part of their software is "Intelligent Advisor" whose customers are mainly banks, insurance companies, e-commerce, telecommunication companies and other financial institutions. "Intelligent Advisor is a proprietary algorithm-ranking tool for relationship managers to improve customer experience and that empowers relationship managers with the ability to advise their clients more efficiently".

My Question is, is it permissible to work for that company as they are giving service to banks. 

Muslim manager advising the company to take out interest bearing loans

Q: I am working as a Finance Manager in a company. I perform various duties of my job like Financial Planning Analysis.., and one such duty is to advise the company on raising of money for the business and I advised to raise from equity and debt (loans)

On my advice the company takes small amounts of loans and pays interest (riba). It gets many benefits like tax deduction on interest paid and other benefits... But the company has to pay interest (Riba).

Since India is Darul Harb, I have no choice of interest free loans. Moreover I am just advising and it is my job. I am not paying or using or consuming riba in my daily life as it is haram.

1. Please tell me If I am doing any sin or will I be punished for just advising the company? Because I have heard Hadees that all those persons are sinful if they are involved in riba related transactions and riba is haram.

2. Is my job and salary halal?

3. If I am earning 1000 Rupees for 10 hours daily and I performed this riba Advise work for 1 Hour and Earned 100 Rupees, is it compulsory to donate that 1 hour salary of 100 Rupees as charity ?

4. Can I perform all my other duties

Income of a person who writes novels

Q: My son is a free Lance writer.He has an account on "up work". Clients contact him and give him a plot of novel or short story.He writes the novel or story for them.Then they publish it with their own name. These novels are usually based on fantasy and horror. I am not happy with this,but my son has bipolar disorder.He feels good and normal while writing. I want to ask you if I can use the money earned by him (by writing novels). Can I pay my electricity bill with this money. Sometimes he brings eatables for his younger brother or sisters, should I allow them to eat it.

Paying for Extra Work

Q: A person pays a driver a monthly salary for a fixed pick-and-drop route. One day, he requests the driver to take a detour and make an additional stop (without discussing extra payment). The driver agrees and does so, and does not ask for extra money. Does the employer owe the driver money for the extra work?

Working in a mixed environment

Q: If a person is working in a non mixed environment, all his needs are being met. Is it permissible for him to take a job in a office where there is both genders working freely and he will have to communicate with the opposite gender, in the name of progress?

Also a person is working in a Islamic school and is married. It is a fully segregated environment. He earns less but through other jobs like picking up and dropping of kids he covers everything else. This person studied in college and studied other certifications and worked in an office environment with non-Muslims for over 5 years. He left it due to getting the opportunity to work in a halal environment. Now his father keeps telling him you are stupid for leaving and you should stick to your career. A Muslim must be strong and not weak, he should go into there environment succeed and give dawah. But this person refuses and stays content with the Islamic school job. Is this person doing something wrong by not listening to his father? The reason why I am asking is because in this time it is so confusing even when you try to save yourself from sins, parents and relatives say that we are narrow minded even though that said parent may have went 4 months jamat 5 times and reads Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvis books.

Also, this parent listens to other scholars that say that if a person is living in the west and doesn't get to study there, schooling is at a loss. Im so confused. Is it permissible for a person to commit sin and earn a little bit more halal earning, like lying on a resume working with non-Muslims. Is this person that works at the Islamic school stupid for not wanting to go back to his career and is he selling himself short. The person still has ambition and inshaAllah if Allah gives him the chance he will try and work on some business. But he doesn't want to go back to the haram career.

Sales rep receiving commission

Q: I would like to know about Network Marketing. I heard about a company from one of my best friends which sells products like kitchen items, laptops, smart phones, TV's, Refrigerators, washing machines, sofa sets, CCTV camera solutions and many more use full products. The products are sold at market price and in good quality with a warranty. The company is a government registered company and they pay income tax too.

1. If I purchased a product from them, I can be a dealer (sales rep) if I wish. Is it permissible in Islam?

2. When I recommend this product and start to selling it, I'll receive a direct sale commission. Is it permissible in Islam.?

3. When I achieved my target as a sales rep, I'll be promoted as a leader (supervisor). Then we need to help my reps to achieve their targets. If they achieve their targets, I'll get a group sale commission. If not, I won't get a commission. Is it permissible in Islam? Usually this is how a marketing commission scheme works. Sales executive, Senior sales executive and more promotions are also there.