Permissible and Impermissible employment

Accountant taking out a portion of his wealth and giving it to the poor for recording interest transactions

Q: If I work in an accounting environment where interest and insurance etc. will be recorded and calculated, will the tax I pay on my salary be enough to purify my income or should I take out a certain percentage every month as a way of purifying my wealth from Haraam and doubtful?

Company outsourcing its employees to an Islamic Bank

Q: I am outsourced in an Islamic Bank in Abu Dhabi (UAE). Is my salary halal or haram? It if it is halal, then how much good or bad it is for my eternal life i.e. life after death, to work in an Islamic Bank?

My company, which outsourced me in the Islamic Bank is a big Information Technology Company and have outsourced about 15 more employees in the same Islamic Bank. These employees (my colleagues) are working for software development; and develop and test different software portals and websites for the same Islamic Bank. My responsibility is to develop software portals for different services of covered cards and sukuk bonds etc. to be used by bank employees (mainly operations’ department employees). Please provide your opinion and fatwa in this regards.

Secondly, the same Islamic Bank has given a 1000 AED gift voucher of to each of my team members, to show the gratitude towards the successful completion of the projects. Is it halal for me to utilize this gift voucher to purchase items for my home?

Designing a structure for a church and selling grapes to someone who will use it to make wine


1. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure (i.e. steel in beams, columns, etc.) of a building which the owners will use for producing alcohol?

2. Is it permissible for an engineer to design the structure of a church?

3. Is it permissible to sell grapes to someone who will use it for making wine?

Designing software for a delivery company

Q: I’m a software engineer currently working and residing in a Muslim majority country. I have a stable job but got a very good job offer from a delivery company in Europe. As part of the that company, I will be building web platforms that customers can use to order food, groceries, game tickets etc. The company partners with restaurants & supermarkets to deliver food and goods which can very well include pork and alcohol and the company takes the delivery fee and a comission.

The company also has a courier delivery and ticket delivery wing and I could be assigned to work on any of the particular service.

Although my job does not include direct contact with haram items, but it could be used either to order simple groceries or to order wine. There is no specific information about what share of the company’s business involves delivering alcoholic products or pork.

Is it permissible for me to take that job? Should I just stay away from it or join the company and see how close I am to building the tech which customers are going to be using for ordering haram items?

Earning through a pyramid scheme

Q: I wanted to earn and bear my university and other expenses on my own so I was looking for online jobs. I came across a business named Forever Living Products. They give earnings by a pyramid scheme in which you have to recommend other people to join your business and become a part of your team and you will get paid. In this way you can earn a great deal of money.

As the growth rate in this business is very high, thus I found it to be a bit doubtful and I think some sort of interest is in involved in this business. Kindly guide me so that I can take my decision accordingly.

Income of a person who uses pictures of animate objects in his presentations

Q: My father works in an office where his work is to maintain proper supply of electricity, making and maintaining electrical plants and supervising others who do the above works. Part of his job is to inform his seniors about new plans and progress of the plans. For this purpose he uses digital slides for presentations.

I noticed that the slides that he makes, he uses pictures of animate object. It could be a requirement from the office that he must use those. Sometimes others make these type of slides and he uses them. And sometimes he makes these slides and passes it to others. I want to know, does it make his income haraam?