Loans & Debts

Using store loyalty points to pay off a debt

Q: I owe money to a person. In lieu of direct payment, I occasionally do some shopping on the creditor's behalf and thus reduce the amount I owe. What happens if I use my store benefit/loyalty points when shopping?

Example: total amount purchased R500. I used my loyalty point balance of R100 and total amount paid was R400. I occasionally also purchase items from this store for my personal use. Do I reduce the amount I owe by R500 or R400? In essence - who is entitled to the benefit/cash back reward from the store?

Is maintaining a friendship after taking a loan interest?

Q: A person agreed with another person to lend some money and in exchange they will continue their friendship relationship. They have been friends for a year now and in order to continue the other person has agreed to lend money. Assuming if the borrower of the loan is willing to continue the relationship in exchange of a loan. Then friendship or continuation of relationship considered to be a benefit/interest in this scenario?

Paying back a loan in a different currency

Q: I gave a loan of 200 dollars to my friend a few years ago. I had these dollars from my aunt who gave them to me to deposit in my bank account. Now my friend is returning the amount to me but there is an issue, at that time it was equal to 105 Pakistani rupees per dollar... now it is 141 Pakistani rupees per dollar. 

At what rate should he return this amount to me? If I take it at 141 rupees, he will have to pay extra (from 105/$ to 141/$) to make it equal to 200 dollars and if I take money it at the rate of 105 per dollar I will get a lesser amount. Kindly guide me what to do.

Receiving a gift when being paid back a loan

Q: I loaned a certain person an amount of R10 000 to be repaid after one year. When one year elapsed, the person repaid my loan and also presented a small gift to me (a box of chocolates) as a token of appreciation. I was neither expecting this gift, nor was it stipulated, at the time of the loan, that he would give me this gift. Is it permissible for me to accept it, or will it be regarded as interest?


Q: Is indexation considered as riba? There are 2 methods to go to university

1. Paying upfront

2. Student loan (i know this is haram already but i just want to know about the 1st option whether it is actually halal because only a minority of Islamic scholars talk about this issue of inflation causing the prices to rise).