Loans & Debts

Creditor waving off the debt

Q: I want to ask a question about qarz. Once when I was younger like 10 years old, I asked my friend for some money and he gave it but today I heard if you don't pay back the money, you are in trouble with Allah Ta'ala and are going to get punished after death but I am pretty sure that friend said he doesn't need the money and I don't have to repay him because he's my friend so do I still have to pay him his money back? It was like 1 pound only.

Running away without settling one's debts

Q: I am living in a GCC country for the past 20 years. I didnt have enough understanding with ribaa and was having bank loans and credit cards. In early 2008 I performed hajj and made alot of tobah with ribaa and after that I had chances but didnt take it anymore. Later my business got collapsed I got bankrupt and I couldnt repay bank loans. Since that time i owe banks money And my full intention was to repay the money somehow but I got total loss and now I am just jobless for around 2 years now in dire constraints completely. I want to ask you that if I leave the country without paying back the loans what I have trying hardest for the last 7/8 years...and there is no way to return and I am getting worse situation. Will I be held responsible or is it gonna be sin if I leave without paying as per my financial situation.

Receiving interest on a loan

Q: My friend is asking me for Rs.100 for a business and he is telling me that he will give me the money after 1 week along with 2.3% of the Rs.100, that is after 7 days he will give me Rs.116. Can I take this Rs.116 or is it haram?

Moreover he is telling me how much you give me I will give you after 7 days with 2.3% of your invested money. Please clarify, if it is halal I will proceed otherwise I will not.

Creditors forfeiting their right

Q: I have taken a loan from some people. I have also done coaching under some teachers without paying them. It has been quite some years (i.e. almost 4) and now I have the capability to pay them back. But unfortunately, as I am seeing, some of them whom I have met to return their deserved money, they do not want to take it back! I had to beg them to accept the money. They just would not take it! They say, "Never mind, you don't have to give it back. Oh come on! Leave it. I have a lot of money, I do not need to money," and so forth. I feel that if they do not take it back that means I have not paid them the money back! So, after a long request they do. Please help me! I am about to meet my teachers and they are probably going to win! What will I do afterwards! What can they do instead of taking the lent money? Please help me Shaikh. Jazak Allah khair in advance. Please help me out!