Loans & Debts

Taking a loan from the bank to purchase a house

Q: I am from India. We are three bothers and we have only one home. With the grace of Allah (Ta'ala) coming year I will get married. So, I was thinking of buying a home. As I don't have enough money. I need to take a loan. But here in India we don't have Islamic banking. And I don't have other means to get that required amount. What is best for me? As there is Riba involved if I want to buy a flat from the banks which follow non-islamic banking.

Avoiding interest when paying off a loan

Q: I would like to perform hajj in the near future so I need to pay off two loans. I have student loans from over a decade ago that I would like to pay off in full. However, I don’t want to pay the interest that has accumulated on these loans. If I can settle to pay just the amount of the original loan, will that be permissible? Also, I have an outstanding loan from a certain company. If the company agrees to let me pay just a percentage to have the entire loan forgiven, is that permissible?

Taking the money owed to one by one's father from his money

Q: My dad owes me some money, however he thinks that whatever money I give him, he doesn't have to pay me back. However I am the one that looks after his money fully. He keeps his savings with me also. Would it be permissible for me to take my money without telling him, he will not realise that I have taken my money as it is a very little amount. If I ask for my money back he may get upset and offended.

Interest bearing loan

Q: I wanted to find out something regarding interest. I'm currently in an unstable financial situation, I find it very difficult to pay my expenses, I'm currently working and have tried many things to make additional income with no success. I've been working on a business plan and submitted to government, would it be permissible for me to take a loan from them? The loan will have interest payable. I cannot go to any Islamic bank etc because of my financial record. I have no other options, please advise.