Loans & Debts

Processing fee for a loan

Q: One of the banks in my residence country is offering a short term interest free loan. I am only interested in using this loan because it is interest free. It has a fixed processing fees (1 % of the amount of loan) and a onetime fixed insurance fees to be paid. Can you please advise, if it is alright to utilize this loan.

Avoiding paying interest

Q: While I was studying at university (in the UK) I regrettably took out a student loan due to my lack of deen at the time, now I have come to realise that this was totally impermissible and wish to make amends.

According to the terms of the loan, I do not need to repay the loan if I earn below £17,775 per annum. The loan will be written off if I do not earn above this threshold after 25 years. I can repay the loan (plus interest) and make taubah but I feel very uncomfortable with this. My other option, which I am fully prepared to undergo, is that I continue to earn below the threshold for the next 25 years. I want to know:

1. Whether it is permissible to deliberately earn less in order to avoid paying any interest?

2. Whether I should repay the loan (through voluntary payments) but not the interest?

3. Whether I should simply repay every thing and just make taubah thereafter?

Taking a loan on interest

Q: I work with a company and its operate a cooperative where any employee can be saving any amount from his or her monthly salary. And one can choose to collect loan and he will pay 10% interest of the amount he collected over period of time. Then at end of every year the 10% interest collected from those people that collect loan will be shared among the people that are saving money in the cooperative including those that collected loans and paid the interest. So my question is; is the transaction halal and the interest one paid and received?

Paying back more than the loaned amount

Q: Say, suppose, I had borrowed some money from a certain person (not specific) about few years back. When I return the money to him, do I return the exact amount or should I include some extra amount accounting for the inflation that would have occurred during the years. Would including the extra amount mean I am giving interest and would it be a haram?