Hiring and Renting

Fittings and fixtures installed by the tenant

Q: If a person rents a house and during the time he occupied the premises,  he added fittings in the house that were not provided by the owner of the house (for example fitting burglar bars, lighting, etc,)

1. Can he demand the cost of the fittings from the owner at the time he leaves the place?

2. If the landlord refuses to give him the cost of the fittings he put into the house, can he remove the fittings when he leaves the house?

Opening a sports club for snooker

Q: I want to start a par time business. But prior starting I want to make sure what I am going to is Halaal. I am planning to Open a Sports Club, Mainly Snooker with no betting / gambling allowed and prohibited. In this situation if this is a fair business? As Snooker is becoming a international Game and Pakistan have Won world championship , so I want to promote this decent game. Please guide me and give your suggestion.

Landlord asking the tenant relocate

Q: People involved in the case – The Landlord, Tenant 1 and Tenant 2.

In 1996, a shop was transferred to tenant 2 from tenant 1 with the approval of the Landlord. The Landlord didn’t have any problem as he was concerned for his monthly rent. The tenant 2 as per the business deal, and as per the local business custom, gave Tenant 1 an amount of Rs 40000, again with the approval of the Landlord, to vacate the space of the shop. Now, after 19 years the Landlord demanded a sum of 3 lac from tenant 2 or made the offer to vacate the shop and leave it. The landlord wishes to give the shop to someone else from where he can get 3 lac or so and then also the monthly rent.

1. Is it legitimate for the Tenant 2 to vacate the shop considering the sudden demands of the landlords?

2. How proper is the demand of 3 lac or any some of money by the landlord in between?

3. Even if the shop is vacated how much money should tenant 2 demand, considering he was demanded a sum of Rs 40000 in 1996 that he gave?

4. Who should give that demanded sum of money to the tenant 2 – landlord or the tenant 3?

Painting the premises before leaving

Q: I used to work for an organization. The organization used to house all employees in flats or apartments. The rent as well as the levy, water and light bills used to be paid by them. It is stated in the lease contract of the apartment that upon leaving, the tenant should get the place painted. The organization did not mention to me, when I moved in, that I will have to bear the cost of the painting. To me, it was understood that the organization will bear the cost of painting the apartment as they used to bear all other costs. Is the cost of painting my responsibility or the responsibility of the organization?

Renting a house

Q: We have seen a house, which we like to rent, but we found out that the last people who rented this house were prostitutes! Is it alright to move there and read prayers in there?

Renting out a flat to a woman experiencing marital problem

Q: What should a landlord do in a situation where a couple are having marital problems and the wife wants to rent a house from the landlord and live separately from the husband with the children. The couple are not divorced but the wife avers that she cannot take the husband’s constant abuse and beating anymore and living away from the husband will hopefully result in the husband “cooling down” and then there will be a basis for reconciliation.

Renting out computers

Q: A client of mine would like to find out if they could possibly rent out Computers e.g If the computer costs R1000.00 they will be renting it out at R100.00 per month over 36 months. Is this permissible in Islam?

Working for a company that rents out ticketing software

Q: I am working as a business development executive for a company which develops software for theatres, food court and parking. However, the software has no concern with movie, it is being used for ticketing purposes. Moreover, my company supplys computers to theatres on rental basis for ticketing purposes. Kindly, guide me whether my job is valid as per our shariat.

Tenant not wishing to pay rent

Q: We own a house and have tenants staying there! I gave them notice to move as I wanted to move into the house. Things didn't go as planned for me and I ended up not moving. I told the tenants that they don't have to move anymore! They continued to stay. Now they don't want to pay me rent fir the month saying they didn't get deposit back from removal company and the husband had to take unpaid leave 3 days for the move. Is this allowed. Also they didn't inform me about there plans only when I asked they said they not paying!