Hiring and Renting

Taking advance rent before renting out an apartment

Q: I am going to rent my apartment. Someone handling the property told me that the tenant will give 2 months advance rent and security deposit.

1. Is it permissible to take the rent of one or two months in advance?

2. Is it permissible to take a security deposit?

3. Is it permissible to rent my apartment through this man or I should do the deal myself?

4. I have never seen the apartment, possession is not yet given to me, but I have paid the full amount during construction. Is all this fine?

Paying for a service

Q: I work in a hospital in the UK and applied for a parking permit - I have to pay every month to park my car at the hospital. When my wage came, I realised the charges for parking were not being taken from my wages so I contacted them twice. They assured me that they had my account details and money would be taken.

A few months later I realised again no charges for parking were taken so I took no further action and left it because I thought I've contacted them twice and done what I could. But now I have a guilty feeling and think maybe I should have contacted them again until they took the money. Do I have to pay them back or pay the amount to charity? and am I at fault?

Slowing down one's electricity meter due to electricity being expensive

Q: I am using government electricity. The government charges on electricity are very unfair since the area where I stay is a bit of a rich people area. They charge us more whereas electricity in the surroundings/other areas is much cheaper. So thats why I decided to slow down my prepaid meter. Is it right/permitted in Islam?

Doing personal work during work hours

Q: I want to ask question about the personal work on job timings.

I have been working in a university as a software developer. During the job timing I'm working on my own work. Because the total university work that I got takes me only 2-3 days. The rest of the month I am free.

Can you please tell me the work that I have done during my job timing is haraam or halaal?

Four people staying in a room which was booked for two people

Q: I stayed with friends at a rented accomodation where in the agreement, only 2 people are allowed to stay each night for around 100$ per night. However, we lied to the owner and agreed that only 2 people will stay while actually 4 people stayed. We didnt think this was wrong since we would only use the accomodation for sleeping and wanted to save money. So technically we broke the agreement and cheated the owner.

What is the best way to fix this as we are afraid that in the akhirah, we will be punished, since we used his property not according to the agreement. If we reach out to him, he may take action against us so we are afraid. Could we pay him the money for the 2 extra people (we assume it will be 50$ per night per person) and give it to him anonymously? Or can we just donate this amount to chairty because we are afraid to tell him.