Lost and Stolen items

Returning stolen money

Q: I took/stole some money when I was much younger and I am not sure whether I took zakaat or lillah money. Now when I am going to put the money back, what must I write on the envelope (because I'm not sure what money it was).

Finding money is one's cupboard

Q: I am 16 years old but I just wanted to ask about something. I have found money in my cupboard and I can't recall having any money or having put any money in my cupboard , it caught my eye. But I thought to myself maybe it is mine and a week later I bought something with it. I don't know what to do now? I am afraid to own up and say what I did and ask if it was anybody's here at home. What do I do about the money I used? What do I do with the change? Can I give it for sadaqah or can I maybe give it to one of my family members, maybe even my mother who might be in need of it?

Lost item

Q: I am a student in Malaysia and I am doing a PHD here. Once I came to my workstation in the Lab I found a mineral water bottle on my table and then I asked from my lab fellows sitting around me. No one knew about it. Please advise me according to Sharia what should I do with this water bottle?

Items given to one from a warehousing company

Q: I do transport for a company that does packaging for various other companies. I do not know the details of their agreemants. I was given a bag of products from the company as they were moving warehouse. Also the balance of the products were returned to the companies for whom this company offers their services to. Can I use these products or is it better to return them?

Finding money on the pathway

Q: Few years back when I was going home from office at night I found Rs.100 on the road. I was not so much aware of the Islamic path at that time and I spent the money on myself. But now I feel its a big sin and its hurting me and making me feel guilty. Please guide me what should I do now. May Almighty Allah bless us.

Stolen wealth

Q: If a person stole money from a person then another person stole from the original thief, Islamically does the thief get compensated in the next life?