
Veil touching the face in ihraam

Q: I performed Umrah with my face covered such that the veil was touching it for a duration less than 12 hours. Mufti sahab replied that I am supposed to give sadaqa. Please clarify:

1- What is the amount of sadaqa that I should give?

2- Should sadaqa be given to someone in Makkah Mukarramah or can I give it to someone in Karachi as I am residing here?

Making the niyyat of ihraam before passing the miqaat

Q: My wife made 2 mistakes in umrah. We are worried that we have to give sadaqa, damm or any other fine for that mistake or it can be ignored.

1. Although we left our home with the niyyat of umra, but when the meekat came she didn't make proper niyat by words. She make proper niyat by words when we reached Makkah.

2. During tawaf she covered her face with full burka as she was worried about her hair becoming exposed.

Forgetting to make idtibaa' in the tawaaf of Umrah

Q: Alhamdulillah, I performed Umrah this week. After performing tawaaf and before performing the waajib-ut-tawaaf salaah, I realized that I forgot to open my right shoulder while performing tawaaf. However, I completed the remainder of the Umrah.

What is the ruling if I forgot to open my right shoulder while performing the tawaaf? Should I sacrifice a goat as damm?

Wearing undergarments in the state of ihraam

Q: The following two errors were made by me unintentionally whilst in Ihraam.

1) When I put on the Ihraam I forgot to remove my underpants. I realised this after about 20 minutes. I removed it immediately thereafter.

2) After coming out of the toilet, I washed my hands using soap unintentionally. Please advise what compensation is due from me, and please advise whether the compensation must be paid/done in Makkah or if it can be done here.

Haaji being turned back at the airport

Q: I want to ask you a very important question regarding Hajj as we are unable to find the answer to this problem. My parents were supposed to perform a Hajj this year, everything was set, they received their hajj visas, had their tickets booked too, but the day of their flight, a letter was issued by the government of Saudi Arabia that no more hajis are allowed to perform hajj after 5 Zil Hajjah. Hence, my parents returned home as the staff at the airport wouldn't let them go. My parents did the niyyah for hajj but hadn't worn their ihraam yet and decided to wear it upon reaching Dubai so that they could wear it from Dubai to Saudi Arabia. The question is whether they're supposed to pay kuffarah as a verse related to this is mentioned in Surah Baqarah. My parents are confused regarding this and seek guidance. Kindly guide us through this problem whether they should pay kuffarah and if so, what should the kuffarah be.