
Old lady going for umrah during iddat

Q: My grandmother has an umrah trip planned for end of March. But her husband passed away a few days ago (Feb 11). I am aware that iddat is for 4 months ten days but my grandma is 75 years old and I wanted to know if she is able to go to umrah and complete the remainder of her iddat when she gets back or is it not permissible for her to go? I was not aware if age makes a difference. 

Cancelling one's booking before entering the Rowdhatul Jannah and wearing ihraam to perform tawaaf on the mataaf

Q: In Musjid Nabawi صلي الله عليه وسلم, there is an app which allows a person to enter the Rowdhatul Jannah once a month by making a booking. What is common is to cancel the booking after the guards check, allowing one to book for a second time in the next week. Is it fine to do this, or will it be considered as deceiving the people of Madinah Munawwarah?

Furthermore, when in Makkah Shareef, one is only allowed to make Tawaaf on the Mataaf if in performing Umrah and in the state of Ihraam. What many do, is wear the Ihraam to Tawaaf on the Mataaf. Is this permissible?